Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Ujima: Collective Work & Responsibility

Working collectively comes from each of us taking responsibility for our own unique contribution to what needs to be done. Each of us has a role to play and the more time we spend focusing on cultivating our craft or contribution the more prepared we will be to get the job done. By taking responsibility for our part we can contribute to the greater whole and good. Sometimes we get worried about how we will ever be able to make improvements in our community. We ask ourselves, how will we possibly change all that needs improvement and healing in our community? Through working collectively and taking responsibility for the part we contribute to the greater good, anything can be accomplished in time.

Maat E. Lewis

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

Remember the reasons to be hopeful.
Life can be such a challenge, filled with emotion, stress, anxiety and fear. At the change of the seasons and the end of the year we can feel especially weary. A lack of hope is one of the greatest predictors of the most serious of self-harming behaviors (e.g, attempting to take one's own life). Therefore, it is important to get reminders as often as possible of our purpose, who we love, and what gifts or blessings we have to live for. When it gets hard to remember these things, it is time to ask for help. Ask if you need it or support someone else.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Be clear about what you want and how you get it will take care if it self. Our lives are truly in Divine order. Those who know this see the evidence more quickly and trust that the main thing they need to do is get clear about what we want and their intention. We know that when we remove fear we can think clearly and life seems to deliver all we need. We know that doubt creates doubt and disconnection from our truth. Get and stay clear about what you want and remove the doubt out of the way. Have a blessed day.

Peace, Ma'at E.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

Please your Self! Our sense of higher Self, our core being, or inner wisdom is the only thing we ultimately need to answer to. As adults we are free to make choices about life, yet too often we are looking to please other people or for their approval instead of searching within ourselves for internal assurance and validation. The inner wisdom resting in the Self knows what is best. When we seek to draw on that knowledge the return of pleasure and satisfaction can be immeasurable.
Have a peace filled day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Our own sense of faith is just as valid as everyone else's beliefs. So if what you believe works toward the greater good and inner peace, use it until you find something else more effective.

Many of us hold spiritual belief systems passed down from our families of origin. Some of the beliefs are questionable, particularly when the people who teach them more often than not, do not walk the talk or behave in counter loving ways. Confusion or even resentment may set in for some of us as a way of dealing with the mixed messages about our beliefs. Finding what is right and true in our hearts can be difficult when unsettling emotions exist. Return to the core of what you know to be true, what works, what gives you peace, and what grounds you. We all have that capacity in the core of our being and can tap into it in times of need.

Stay true to what you know to be true.

Ma'at E. L, Lewis, Ph.D.

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

The more we live with our thoughts in the present the more free we can live our lives in the future. Life can be more free of stress and drama when we stay present in our thinking. In contrast, when we are preoccupied by the past or anxious about the future fear dictates our behavior. For example, maybe in the past we found ourselves in unsupportive or even abusive relationships. If we stay afraid of the same thing happening again, instead of making courageous choices about the relationships in front of us now, we will continue to attract and engage in what we focus on...the fear based situation. Stay present and in the moment. Be courageous.


Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

When we focus we are phenomenal. One of life's secrets to success is focus. We can do anything but we can not do a darn thing if we are trying to do everything. Prioritizing and focusing are essential if we are to accomplish what is most important to us. Take time to stop all the activities going on and prioritize them. Take one at a time and watch the success unfold.

Have a blessed day.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Admitting the truth to ourselves can be harder than telling the truth to someone else. Despite all the denial and things we tell ourselves, usually there is a truth that we know in our hearts but feel afraid to admit. Sometimes we deny our truth because it is linked to our deepest fears. We may or may not actually know what that fear is, yet a good part of the time we probably do. For example some of us are in love but will not admit it; some want love but don't truly believe we deserve it; others want love, yet are not willing to do what it takes to get or keep it. Whatever the situation, admit the truth despite feeling the fear.

Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Monday, November 29, 2010

Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Taking care of our Self first provides us with better ability to care for everything else. Some of us have a hard time tending to our own personal and spiritual needs before taking care of the needs of others. We are often compelled to come to the aid of others while forgetting to tend to our basic needs. Like magic, if we take care of ourselves first we become better equipped to support those around us. Put Self first and then give selflessly.
Have a "peace full" day.

Maat E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Our Spirit never gets tired of feeding our soul, but the mind and the body need rest. Fortunately, our Spirit has a Divine source of energy from which it emanates and fuels the soul, mind and body to do their work. Because the mind and body both materially manifest they physically use energy and get tired. This is particularly true when there is a separation between these two and Spirit. To improve that process, the soul makes the link through it's unconscious existence. So the key to maintaining physical and mental energy is being in-touch with our soul to access the power of Spirit. When this happens our energy level will increase no matter what the external circumstance.

Reconnect the soul, mind and physical body to Spirit. May we have life, health, and vitality.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Recognize that love comes in various shapes, forms and fashions. Sometimes we are in loving relationships, but fail to recognize the love that we get. For example, we may love to get hugs and our loved ones love to give kisses, but because we are kisses we fail to acknowledge the gesture love.

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Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Give people the opportunity to help and move away from those who won't.  There are probably twice as many people who want to be helpful but have not been asked as there are people who have been asked but refuse to help. Depending on who we are our frustrations with the dynamics of help will be different. Become aware of your issues and whether you have trouble with asking for help or feel it is never there when you need it. 

Whatever the case we must stay open to asking for what we need. No one can read our minds. There are tons of people wanting to be supportive, yet sometimes we do not give them the chance to express their open heart. 

Everything we need is out there if we choose to let it in. 

Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Sometimes our closest sister or brother is not a relative at all. Life brings all kinds is family circumstances and situations where we may not have good family relationships or even know who our relatives are. Even when we do have a loving family, there may be the need for a larger network of support. Seek out and don't overlook the bond of sisterhood or the extended hand of brotherhood with fictive kin, friends, and community that may be available. Stay open to those who seek to help and extend a helping hand.


Ma'at E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

There exists a direct connection between our inner (mental) world and what occurs in the outter (physical) world. Because we are made of energy, the same energy that gives existence to all things in the universe, the vibrations of our existence intimately connect us to the dynamic vibrations of things in the physical world. This can be a difficult concept to accept, yet by paying attention to this process we can see proof of it's existence. Notice how we attract the things we focus on the most. If we focus on doubt life will attract questionable situations; focus on lack and we will continue to have less; focus on abundance and the blessings we have will expand; focus on knowing and answers to our questions will be revealed.
Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

We are always in the midst of our own spiritual process. Another way I
refer to this is by saying that we are always in our own
"psycheology". The roots of the words psyche and -ology, are spirit
and the study of, repectively. Our challenge is to constantly stay
aware of our process, studying, understanding and integrating it into
everday life. Living with such spiritual awareness can seem very
hard, yet the rewards of being closer to one's own spiritual truth are
abundant. A sence of peace, balance and order will return with
refocusing awareness on our process. Again, it seems difficult, yet to
be aware is really a gift.

Have no fear or go forward even when there is fear and stay aware of
the spiritual process.

Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Where there is choice there is change.
Deep within the heart and core of our being rests a soul that directs
all the choices and options we have in life. At the soul level, when
we make our life choices and decisions they are being weighed against
the wisdom of our Divine Spirit that is all knowing. We therefore have
choices to which there are always answers if we seek guidance at the
level of the soul from Spirit. Trusting this inner wisdom will bring
change, balance and joy.
Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Within the core of us all there is a space filled with wisdom and
knowledge that knows exactly who we are and what is best for us. When
we are too busy with life that self knowledge can become clouded or
blocked from our awareness. Taking time to connect with the inner
wisdom is crucial because disconnection can so easily occur. Although
it is not easy, taking that time to reconnect it makes a world of
difference toward accessing our wisdom. Trust that we all can
reconnect and be guided by the wisdom that dwells within.


Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Out blessings come when we learn to ask less for what we want and
listen more for what Divine will wants us to have. Sometimes we get
weary making prayers, meditating or wishes and not seeing the results
we want or expect. There is a Divine will that works in coordination
with what we want for ourselves. The challenge to getting what is
desidned for us is surrendering to Divine will and trusting that what
it wants for us is in order, even if it does not look like what we
When we let go of our need to direct and control we gain the power of
Divine guidance and will.

Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Friday, October 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Pay close attention to flashes of insight. Because everything is energy and we have the capacity to connect through it, we are capable of receiving flashes of insight about various situations in life. The challenge is to pay attention to the momentary bits of information that come our way. When this happens, listen, follow-up or just wait, etc. Wherever the glimpse of insight guides us, it is okay to follow it. Taking such action can affirm our trust and belief within ourselves and the connection we have to something bigger than us.
May you have a loving and peaceful day.
Ma'at E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Honor your Self today. Very often we can get caught up in being angry and frustrated over someone not treating us with respect. A little well placed anger may get the attention or desired behavior we want, but we can't count on it with any certainty. What we can rely on is controling our own behavior and directing energy toward doing those things that honor us. For example, removing ourselves from hurtful people and circumstanes, choosing our battles, focusing on what is important to us and the people we love, giving time and energy where it reasonates with our soul and not where we feel obligation. The key to honoring thyself is making it a conscious choice.
Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:
Our ancestors of good character are waiting and ready in the unseen world to help us. In traditional African spiritual systems, ancestors are valued as unseen guides and supports to our journey in this life. When we ask for their guidance they are able to respond and help make a way through our troubles. Accessing this help is as simple as silently reflecting on those good & loving spirits to act on our behalf. Have faith in what can not always be seen, but can be known in our hearts.
Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.
Maat E's Mental Health Method:
Having emotional faith is like possessing physical stamina. With either one there is power and strength. In fact, building physical stamina supports strengthening our faith and vice versa. This works so much so that the ability to endure either physical or mental challenge can be overcome no matter which method you use, and overcoming obstacles will be even easier if we use both.
Find a personal method for building stamina or faith and integrate both together to build up strength.
Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Integrate what's spiritual and material. Understanding the spiritual forces behind the events that happen in the physical realm of our experience can help us make sense out of life. However, many of us tend to soley rely on the physical realm for answers. Learning to use spiritual reason is a gift we can develop over time. It overlaps with material explanations providing a full picture of the wonder of life.
Trust your process both seen and unseen. Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Ma'at E. Lewis

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Stay clear in your mind about what you want and let the Divine forces do the work to get it. When we trust in the unseen order of life, it has a way of working things out with little effort and definately no force on our part. Some people call it the power of attention, motivation, or the law of attraction. However we describe our ability to connect with unseen energy to manifest the desires of our hearts, the power and ability is there for our use. All we need to do to begin the process is get clear on what we want. 

Have a peaceful day.  

Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If we mainly see the negative when we look at other people we can not fully see the positive that exists within ourselves. We filter all of our experiences through a personal lens. That lens is guided largerly by our inner thoughts. If we are wired for negative thought patterns then what we see in other people will often be a reflection of those thoughts that essentially are a reflection of how we see our Self.
Thus, the world becomes a reflection of our innerself and it's thoughts. It is possible to alter our thought patterns with patience, compassion, and self love. Begin a new thought process and see the world in a whole new way.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When wierd things happen there is no need to get wierded out. Many of us experience things that are out of the ordinary or things that we can not exactly explain. For example, we repeatedly run in to the same person in remotely different locations; we get stuck in traffic or on the train and fortunately avoid an accident that would have involved us if we were on time; we think of someone and moments later they show up or call. These occurrences happen unexplainably if you consider them only from a physical reality. From a spiritual perspective they simply reflect the unseen energy that connects us all. Embrace that which cannot always be seen.
Ma'at E. Lewis

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is always a spiritual meaning behind a material message. Every interaction, experience, or event that occurs in our material reality reflects an unseen spiritual process. The spiritual processes of life are intended to create opportunities for learning, growth, and development of peace. The challenge is to distinguish the real spiritual meaning from the unreal material message. Looking for the divine understanding can be a challenge, but it is there. Have faith. We can all find it.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When we free our hearts, the rest of our lives can follow. Sometimes we all get a little stuck in painful emotions. It feels like the grip of pain and anger will not let go. A key to emotional freedom is opening the heart, first to let the pain out and second to let love in. If we can open our hearts, we can free ourselves,.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ancient Egyptian Proverb Theme of the Month - "Distinguish what is real from unreal"
Reality is manifest both spiritually and materially. However, the spiritual essence of our existence is the underlying truth that gives access to all of reality. Sometimes we perceive the material world we see as all of reality, yet the unseen spiritual forces truely move and shape reality. Distinguishing what is real from unreal partially refers to learning how to discern the spiritual essence or reality within all creation and to connect with it in order to shape the material reality of life.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Anger is not inherently an adverse emotion. It depends on the senders delivery and intention. When we are justified in being angry then it can be important to express it. How we express it can have tremendous impact. What many of us do not realize is the significance of how we say things and what we do with anger. We all have a right to be angry, just consider the impact of how you deliver it.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message
If you recognize there is a need for you to change then accept the feedback with grace. Sometimes we are the one who has hurt someone or acted in a way that brings anger and resentment. It can be difficult to face up to such things, but it is doable when we recognize it then have the courage to own it. Freedom comes when we take responsibility for who we are and how we act.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Friday, August 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Sometimes forgetting can be a blessing. Some of us are more inclined than others to be forgetful about things. When it comes to releasing negative events, the forgetful aspect of our personality can be very helpful. Holding memories of adverse situations reinforces a toxic stress response in the body and emotionally can foster resentment. A sense of awareness of negative people and things is important to have so we know what to avoid, but on-going resentment makes us emotionally unhealthy and physically sick. Forget what you can. Have a peaceful day.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Ma'at E. Lewis

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The saying, "Let go and let God" is a helpful statement for overcoming reaentment. The challenge is to say it, mean it, and do it. Letting go means living in the present and there is tremendous psychological freedom that comes with that. The idea of "..let God" is about trusting and having faith in powers greater than you to address a situation in a manner that serves you and or the greater good. With practice of living in the moment and trusting in a greater power and process lhe ability to be free from resentment can come.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Ma'at E. Lewis

Monday, August 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

You can release resentment by loving unconditionally, but not at your own expense. Many of us make the mistake of being givers or helpers and loving other people at our own expense. We sacfrice thinking we are being a help, all the while depleating ourselves. Even worse is that we walk around saying and thinking we expect nothing in return, but the fact that we become resentful is an indication of that not being the case. We get resentful because we never get back what we put out. Learn to recognize when you are giving so much you leave little to nothing for yourself. Practice balanced unconditional love and free your mind of resentment.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Ma'at E.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Make the concerns of your heart seem as light as a feather. The symbol of a feather (white) represents light, flight and free flowing energy like that of a bird from which it comes. It can be liberating when we allow our emotions to be like a feather, remaining lighthearted and free to be released. Using this symbolism to be in this state is a powerful tool for helping us to be free from resentment. Release any negative emotions you are harboring and be present with your feelings in the moment. Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Monday, August 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ancient Egyptian Proverb Theme of the Month - Be free from resentment!
As humans we naturally have emotions and get angry, frustrated, furious and mad. These emotions can be natural responses to unnerving situations. Worse is the onslaught of dehumanizing acts suffered as a people in the form of slavery, genocide, apartheid or other such atrocities. Being free from resentment in the face of ill will and treatment is almost unthinkable for some of us, yet resentment is not the same as the state of being angry or mad, it is holding on to such emotions after the immediate G threat or harm is done. Being resentful often means WE have not taken the action neccessary to begin healing, to remove ourselves, to confront the wrong, cope better or to ignore it if necessary. Those actions are our responsibility. We can not control a wrong doer, but we can affect the impact of the of the wrong and dow what we need to prvent it from happening again.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message: If your're going to be doubtful, try to only question self doubt. Some of us spend a lot of time second guessing ourselves and our abilities. We spend more time thinking about what we cannot do and why we can't do it, instead of what it is we ARE capable of and ways to do more of it, ignore the doubt and concentrate on what you can do.
Be well. Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Friday, July 23, 2010

Maat E’s Mental Health Message:
Making mistakes can be helpful because we can learn from them too. Not all of life’s lessons come from planned educational or learning experiences. The opportunity to learn comes in the form of so called mistakes all the time. The secret is to know that nothing is a mistake, just an opportunity to learn something we were not expecting to learn. The choices we make and those of our children have something to teach us and them about our truth and about having compassion when things do not go as planned. Have faith that we all will learn from so called mistakes.
Peace, Ma’at E. L. Lewis

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Maat E’s Mental Health Message:
If you think you are going to lose faith in yourself, ask someone else to hold on to it for you.
It is fine to ask for support and help when we are unsure of the strength we have within ourselves. Maintaining faith in oneself can be extremely important to coping with life, but in anticipation of times when you get weary be prepared to have people around you that can hold the faith when you can’t. Know that you are never alone and the powers of the universe want to support you.
Peace, Dr. Ma’at E. L. Lewis

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maat E’s Mental Health Message:
Affirmations that you are on the right path will continue to show up so long as you stay on your path. There is a sense o f knowing that comes when we are living according to what is meant for us. Sometimes when we are not living that way we choose to ignore that something needs to change or adjust. We find lots of excuses or reasons not to believe the affirmations, yet they return. Trust the signs that you are on the path to learning what you need to know.
Peace, Ma’at E. L. Lewis

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Maat E’s Mental Health Message:
No one can tell you the truth; you have to experience it for yourself. Once you experience who you are, your divine essence, you know it. This knowledge can remain hidden for years and even after you come to know it you may be prone to forget. At some point the day will come, filled with love and clarity that you are one with all that is divine. May you find your truth in this lifetime!
Peace, Dr. Ma’at E. L. Lewis

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When you least expect it everything you've learned will begin to make sense. On the journey to our truth, (realizing who we really are) there are so many lessons that can make us think we will never figure life out or understand the point of it all. Rest assured that it will all make sense so long as you continue to believe that it will. Have faith in yourself to discover who you are.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Monday, July 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The only way to realize our truth is to stay committed to it. That means having faith in what is true for you even if no one else believes it. What you know to be true but can not see just yet will reveal itself. Stay steadfast in believing your truth and it will fully come to life.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When we surrender and trust in our ability, we give our fears a chance to fade away.
It is natural as human beings that we have fears about life. When we have faith in ourselves to learn all we need to know then we lose fear as the motivator. Trusting in our own greatness and ability to overcome can be very challenging because most of us have been trained to pay more attention to what we can't do than what we can do. Trust in the fact that you can learn all you need to know and your greatness will shine through. Surrender to your process and let the fears fade away.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Exercise your will power. Just as we exercise our bodies for health and fitness it is healthful to exercise our minds. It helps when we get in a rut, down or a little depressed. At these times it can be difficult to direct things in the way we want them to go. Small exercises of will can help to restart your volition. Pick a small act of will like taking five deep breaths next time you are stressed. Try purchasing one healthy snack for every other bad choice when you are overwhelmed. How about using an ounce of will power to pick up the phone to ask for or offer help.
Exercising our power in small ways can promote our health and enhance our personal faith.
Live with life, health, and vitality!
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Just when you are about to give up on yourself or give in to your weakness step back and spend five minutes in faith. Reflect for just a minute on the strength you've demonstrated in the past and have faith that you will have it again. We all know that strength is in us and what we do not have we eventuAlly can get. Reach inside, reachout and reach up for whatever help you need. Just no matter what, continue to have faith.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

When you are on the path to learning your higher truth, look for signs to affirm your way. What symbols, words, people and places recurrently show up in your life as affirming signs you are on the right path. We all have familiar sign posts that remind us everything is in order or that we are right where we need to be. Take note of these reminders and use them as motivators to stay the course with whatever you are doing.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Principle of the month- "Have faith in your self to learn the truth." - Ancient Egyptian Principle of Virtue

The truth we seek is already within in us, yet, we forget this bit of wisdom and struggle through daily life trying to find it. In addition to remembering such ideas, we need to maintain faith in ourselves that we will learn our truth. When life gets hard and we can't see the way, we can fight with what strength we have to still believe in ourselves. We may not know when we'll recognize that the truth lies within us, but rest assured we have the capacity to learn it
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
While you are looking for a teacher, remember to search within your Self.

Most of us long for a jegna/mentor, guru, pastor or guide to show us the way to our spiritual goals and aspirations. Teachers are extremely important as they provide guidance, wisdom and they challenge us to new heights. Teachers show-up when we begin to look inside ourselves . This is because our true Self--the manifestation of Divine essence--wants to express itself and will attract a teacher to help it. Look within and have faith that your teacher will show-up.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Most adverse situations cease once we learn to avoid them.
Although we don't really have control over what happens in life, we can cut down on the drama by avoiding it. This can be a hard lesson to learn and therefore we find ourselves in adverse situations over and over and over again. It may take time to figure this out, yet if we have faith in our higher sense of wisdom, it will teach us to not seek out adversity or at least to recognize when it comes our way. Avoid the adversity today.
Peace Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Monday, June 28, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Wisdom comes with learning from life's experiences not just living them.
We all go through things in life. Sometimes these experiences teach us lessons that stay with us. The extent to which we become wise from our experiences depends in part on whether we see events as a means of teaching a lesson or just another frustrating challenge. Every experinece can expand our wisdom if we let it. When we stay open we can receive the gift.
Be wise learn from life.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Through being a teacher we learn the most.
The best way to really learn something is to become a teacher on the subject. As a teacher we learn the subject when we research it, practice it and then teach it. Repeated exposure to a topic makes us especially proficient. With discipline and focus we can become our own best student. Teach what you love and learning will follow.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
All of the experiences we have in life, the good and the bad are intended to teach us the lessons we need in life. Sometimes we can get tired of the lessons and feel like enough is enough. We know we are resilient and strong so the point of the lessons does not totally make sense. The lessons are not just to remind us of our personal strength, but the strength of our relationship to our sense of Spirit as we define it. We have the opportunity to practice leaning on our ultimate source of support. The more we lean the more readily we have relief. The lessons keep happening to give us more practice. Until we get it that we always are protected, we will continue to have opportunities to learn it. Appreciate the lessons.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Life's greatest truth is knowing that we are one with all of creation. With such a truth we are connected to all things and therefore have an
abundance of resources available to us. For some of us that truth is not yet a reality because we do not trust it enough to experience it. Have faith that the universe not only has all you need, but will teach you its truth. What you need is available in abundance.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When you take a leap of faith the Creator will catch you. Don't turn back or waver in your decision. No matter what the situation we are always supported and will be taken care of. Have faith and trust the process. You will be alright.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Our Higher Self is our greatest teacher. Many of us seek to find a master teacher to teach us the knowledge of a spiritual or cultural discipline. We try to learn techniques and approaches to overcome the challenges of life. What we often don't realize is our greatest teacher is the Higher Power that presents us with life lessons everyday. Trust your Higher Self to show you the way. Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Life's lessons will continue to teach even if we have a hard time learning. Just because it takes us a while to get "it" sometimes, dosen't mean that we will stop having opportunities to learn our truth in life. Trust, Higher Wisdom will make sure we get "it" eventually. We just need to have faith and stay open to the lessons.
Trust today.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is only one truth, the one you believe. We may spend a lifetime in search of the truth, yet at any given moment what is true is what we believe. If there is a choice about the matter then why not choose to believe the truth that heals, uplifts and sets you free. The outcome will be so much better if it turns out that what you believe is true. If it is not true, you are no worse off than if you believed in the detrimental truth initially.
Have faith in your higher power to teach you the truth and believe it.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is only one truth, the one you believe. We may spend a lifetime in search of the truth, yet at any given moment what is true is what we believe. If there is a choice about the matter then why not choose to believe the truth that heals, uplifts and sets you free. The outcome will be so much better if it turns out that what you believe is true. If it is not true, you are no worse off than if you believed in the detrimental truth initially.
Have faith in your higher power to teach you the truth and believe it.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If there was nothing to learn we would not have teachers. Despite the fact that we are inherently born with a divine sense of knowing, most of us forget that and need to learn life's lessons through experience. Our teachers and guides are here to help us and if we are humble and open they certainly will. Trust that your teachers will show you the way. Stay open and receptive and you will learn the truth.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Friday, June 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Theme of the month: "Have faith in your teachers ability to teach you the truth." - Ancient Egyptian Principle of Virtue

If you see yourself as a spiritual being then it is likely that you have an appreciation for there being something greater than yourself to which you connect for guidance, coping and peace. The extent to which you have appreciation is based upon the clarity you have about your sense of spirit. Get clarity and have faith that your higher power will present all you need by way of life lessons to teach you what is necessary to find your truth. Trust in your ultimate teacher.

Peace, Dr. Maat

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Define your personal mission and keep referring back to it during moments of doubt or dispair. Life can seem so complicated and we sometimes lose our focus or get mixed up. Contemplate on your personal mission and what you are uniquely here to do on earth. Everytime you face a challenge or decision reflect on the mission as a reminder of your plan.
Live with life, health and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If something is not working it is probably time to stop using it. Sometimes we get focused on a goal or a mission and for years put our energy into what does not work. We keep using the same method or approach even though it is not working. If it does not work don't use it. Let it go and make room for something new. Changing your method does not mean changing your purpose. It means using a new way to reach your goal. Reevaluate. change-up, try something new.
Dr. Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If something is not working it is probably time to stop using it. Sometimes we get focused on a goal or a mission and for years put our energy into what does not work. We keep using the same method or approach even though it is not working. If it does not work don't use it. Let it go and make room for something new. Changing your method does not mean changing your purpose. It means using a new way to reach your goal. Reevaluate. change-up, try something new.
Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Use your roots as inspiration! In order to fulfill our life's work it helps to have an inspiring force. Our cultural and familial heritage is a great source of inspiration. For some of us the heritage may be full of pride and rich tradition. For others there could be pain and shame behind who we are. No matter what the nature of the history we can use it to propel us towards the divine work we are here to do. Learn about your story and be inspired to do your life's work.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Give away your gifts!
We are all born with some divine capacity to share with the world. Our gifts may be as natural as knowing how to relate to a child or as complex as creating some revolutionary invention. However, we ALL are endowed with the gift of manifesting the divine spirit to give and receive love. If we discover no other purpose in life we can always be a reflection of divine light, giving and receiving love.
Give freely.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Expand your comfort zone! Typically, in order to pursue our passions we think it is necessary to step outside of our comfort zone. Another way to consider this idea is to think of expanding the comfort you already feel to more situations and experiences in life. From a spiritual perspective this means identifying with the soul that functions interchangably with our Divine Spirit because it is always comfortable. This essence of who we are is connected to all things so it is never out of place. When we live according to our own unique purpose we are in a state of connection to our sense of Spirit and can expand it's consciousness so we always feel right where we ought to be. Find the comfort of Spirit in your soul and expand it everywhere you go.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Maat E.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The best made plans can be meaningless without purpose!
Our plans can require much less effort when we set them according to a purpose. That means setting our course of action based upon ideas and beliefs that have deep significance to us. It not only becomes easier to lay out the plans when there is purpose, but fulfilling a specific objective is much easier too. Understand what in your life gives profound purpose and meaning, then set your plan.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace Maat E.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Just because it is your life's purpose dosen't mean other people won't help. In fact some of the worlds greatest figures had thousands of people ready to help and serve. When we focus on our path all the assistance we need will show up. If not then it may mean there is a need to adjust the plan so others are clear about how they can help. Once you create the opportunity, help will show up.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Maat E.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Go forward with grace or guts, either way you will reach a state of glory. We all want the rewards that come with pursuing our purpose. We have options about the attitudes we hold to get to our goals. Both grace and guts can provide the strength we need to press on because they arise from the heart and core of our being. Use your inner strengths and may you find purpose, peace and the glory of life.
Maat E.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Obstacles are reminders of what is important in life.
When unexpected things happen, they can help us to refocus on our purpose. It is like when something obstructs your view or is physically in the way you move it so you can see or focus on what is important. The challenge is to recognize the obstacle for what it is...just something in the way and not the object of your focus. If we are not careful, we can end up spending all of our energy on the obstacle. Remove the obstacles, remember your purpose.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Are you devoted or distracted? When it comes to what is important to you in life, are you devoted to it or distracted from it? The latter is much easier, but the former gives more rewards. If you are distracted, make note of it and use the obstacle as motivation to refocus. Be aware of how much you are enlivened and renewed by devoting to your purpose for example. Life is like a monetary gift, spend it on what is important to you.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Clear your mind of doubt. If necessary, find a method, learn a meditation, sing a song or ask for help. Do whatever you need to do to rid the mind and the core of your soul of doubt. Of course you can pursue and fulfill yor dreams, but you've got to have faith and devote to your purpose. The commitment will also help clear any fear or reservation. Don't wait, clear your mind now. Think of a new affirmation and make a way for your path.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
No matter what, we can always go back to the source. When confused or lost without direction, go to your source of strength. It will get you back on purpose. In reality we always have a purpose, but it may not be conscious to us so we are unaware of being on track. Live in the spirit of Sankofa...go back and fetch it. Return to that which gives self-knowledge, purpose and strength. Remember your source, find your purpose.
Life, Health, & Vitality!
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Devote to a purpose but detach from its outcome. When we facilitate creation, we do not really dictate what it will ultimately become. In the process there are lessons to learn that can change our course. As parents for example, we have plans for our children with only so much control over how they turn out. Our purpose is to make a way for expressing Divine energy and to let it evolve, while not overly investing in what it will become. Devotion to seeing the purpose come to pass is all we need to hope for and ask.
Have a day full of devotion to your purpose.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. Lewis

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Just because you are not doing a lot, does not mean you are not living with a purpose. Likewise, being busy does not necessarily mean you are productive towards your purpose. When we understand that we are living on purpose there is no need to fear we will not get things done. Life is going to happen and unfold in divine order no matter how much we are so called doing. Being on purpose will manifest exactly the opportunities we need when we need them. Live your purpose don't force it.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you don't know your purpose try living to give love. You can start trying it out on a family member, friend, co-worker or stranger. Children are the easiest receivers of love. Everywhere you go be loving. It is not necessary that you show it outwardly or act nice and sweet all the time. Just send warmth from your heart when you are around people. When encountering so called adversaries or haters really drawn on the love within, but use it for protection instead of faking like you want to give it away. Love repels hate. Live for love.
Peace Maat E.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ancient principle/theme for the month of May...Devote to your purpose!

Each of us has come to this lifetime for a purpose. Some aspect of the greater Divine needs to come forth through us and our job is to remember what the reason is. For some people the answer comes early in life and is crystal clear. For others the process of knowing thyself takes much time, many years even just to unfold. If the self knowledge is not evident, look to the aspects of life that fill you with contentment and joy. Therein will be the answer. Know your purpose and you will know peace.
Life, health & vitality!
Maat E.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you don't control your own actions someone else surely will. When we are thoughtful about the choices we make our actions reflect the products of our own mind. If we are not mindful, we end up going through life on other peoples agendas. We end up doing things and have no idea why. Recognize that at every moment either you are able to choose your actions or someone elses influnce will dictate your way.
Be the master of your reality.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Try again! Sometimes our actions and works do not come out the way we intend them to. We might mess up, make a mistake or do something wrong. We are human and here to give rise to experiences so the energy of Creation may manifest itself. We don't control that energy, we just help facilitate it's movement. When things don't work out the way we expect it is an invitation to try again. Creation is ever evolving so our repeated attempts fit right in with the plan. Remember we are part of the greater plan.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Act with righteous ruthlessness. Once we are clear about what is right and true for us and the greater good then it is imperative that we are relentless in pursuit of it. Some people will be unhappy and dislike us, yet that is a small price to pay for the glory that comes from being true to your Self. Stand firm and stay steadfast in your truth. Have a day full of peace.
Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Find a way to ground your actions in discipline more than in disorganization. If we want to "make it happen" then we have to be more disciplined than not about doing whatever "it" is. However being disciplined does not mean doing "it" more, as much as discipling the mind to sort out disorganization. The chaos leaves us with no sense of control over our actions. The truth is we really don't have the control we think, yet it somehow helps believing that we do. Disciplining the mind is our greatest means of manifesting our actions.
Have a peace full day.
Dr. Maat

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message;
Go ahead, do it. If your intuition gives the signal to go for it, then do it. Act now while you've got unseen strength and forces behind you. Whatever the fear is in front of you, go through it. Choose to do it despite being afraid. Doing something even when there is fear gives the unseen protective forces a reason to help when you need it the most.
Go forward, even with fear.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Spending more time becoming clear about what you want to do will require less time to actually do it. It is much easier to control and then execute our actions when the intention is crystal clear. It is easier to get clear when we remove all distractions and become one with pure thought. Sitting or laying in silence, reflection, meditation or prayer all can bring about the clarity we seek and ultimately the action we want to take. Be still, then act.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ask for clarity before you make the next move. When we are stuck and unsure about the next step to take it is an indication that we are unclear. Where there is clarity there is action. Having clarity about what you want to do comes before having motivation. Being clear is a motivator. Ask your higher, inner, or greater power to reveal your next step with clarity. The answer will soon come. Peace Maat E.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Maat E. Mental Health Messsage:
Consider how often you are doing something for the sole pleasure of someone else. If you are a caregiver, you probably please too much. If you tend to be selfish you may not seek to please enough. When we get in touch with our internal Self we are able to provide selfless service for the sake of bringing pleasure and love. However, service to others at our own expense leaves nothing left for the greater good. Find the balance.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Healh Message:
Act like you care about yourself. During the course of a day we may engage in behaviors reflecting a lack of self love and care. We are eating, drinking and talking in self destructive ways. Without realizing we get out of control and might not even recognize how harmful we are being. Keep the idea of care in your conscious thoughts and then act in accordance with what you are thinking. Have a "care full" day.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Center your actions around your purpose. Once we know and understand our purpose in life, the what, where, when, and how of our actions become increasingly effortless. Take time to reflect on your Divine given gifts and how they can manifest in your everyday life. Then begin to weigh everything you do against the back drop of your purpose and act in accordance with things that fit who you are and the way you want to be in the world. Conflict and chaos will begin to move out of the way. Decisions will come easier and life will have joy. Act with purpose.

Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you tend to hesitate, try acting spontaneously or moving on intuition. If you usually move on impulse, wait a minute for an intuitive sign, then act. When we recognize our same old patterns of behavior we can change them to live more freely and in balance. Being observant of automatic behaviors is one of the first steps to changing what may not work. Another key step is having the courage to try change. Switch-up the old patterns today. Approach a situation differently. Have a great day.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Remembering the source of your Self will help you act like your Self. We are all Divine beings. Having such a nature does not mean we walk around needing to display how righteous and virtuous we are, but to live with Divine awareness to help us understand and make conscious chioces about our actions. It may help to ask questions like: Was that action promoting balance? Did I just break up the harmony? Am I acting with love. Remembering the source of our being keeps questions like these fresh and keep us true to our Self.
Have a beautiful day.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Figure out the purpose of your actions. At some point in our days we do things to other people that we probably would not want done to us. We may fail to cut a man/woman some slack, judge a person's actions harshly, lie, ignore someone or talk with a negative tone. We are human and therefore we do these things, yet often behind our actions is a reason unknown. Most of our intentions are great, but the actions that come out don't match. Ask your Higher Self to reveal reasons for your actions. Ask a close friend to share their observation of you. All things will come to light. Peace Dr. Maat E.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Be aware of how you are acting. It is easy to go through life, especially being in a relationship, unaware of the impact of our behavior. Usually, no one tells us about ourselves because we are generally good people and everyone has their issues. Nonetheless, being a good person does not make for good relationships, but doing better when we know better does. Ask a loved one to tell you about yourself. Ask for the feedback with love and receive it that way. Take what is said as a gift to enable correction and to help you stay aware of the ways you act.
Peace & Blessings,
Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Message:
Getting physical or being still are two sides of the same coin! One of the best things we can do for our mental health is to get physically active. It really dosen't take much. Twenty minutes a day 3-4 times a week of increasing your heart rate can do the job.That could mean a nice brisk walk,
a few flights of stairs, or a good dance in front of your own mirror.
If the physical activity is difficult to do then try 20 minutes of being still. Sit quiet in meditative time. Let your mind be at rest. take your pick, do more activity or do less. Either one will bring benefits. Start today.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Let your thoughts be Divinely inspired. We spend a lot of time in life letting our thoughts be dictated by the people and things that surround us in the environment. Eventully we internalize external beliefs and treat them as if they are our own. We become unaware of how we automatically respond to things and rapidly fire off unconscious thoughts. Be more aware and tune in to the innately divine voice that connects with each of us from deep inside the core of who we are. Trust the thoughts which come from that source. Speak the words which are lovingly inspired. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Let your thoughts be Divinely inspired. We spend a lot of time in life letting our thoughts be dictated by the people and things that surround us in the environment. Eventully we internalize external beliefs and treat them as if they are our own. We become unaware of how we automatically respond to things and rapidly fire off unconscious thoughts. Be more aware and tune in to the innately divine voice that connects with each of us from deep inside the core of who we are. Trust the thoughts which come from that source. Speak the words which are lovingly inspired. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Think with your heart. Modern research shows that the same information molecules that exist in the brain can be found running through our blood stream connecting to such organs as the lungs and the heart among others. This process helps us understand that thoughts and information are not solely in the mind, but run through us functioning interchangably between the mind body and the spirit. It is therefore possible to think with our hearts, to sense intuitively what we need to know. Such knowledge does not typically require the filtering of other thoughts that comes with thinking from the brain. Follow the intuition and end up with clarity.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message: Let your intuition do the thinking. One of the greatest challenges we can learn to overcome is controlling our thoughts. This means developing awareness of what we are thinking and making conscious choices about what thoughts to keep, discard, focus on or not. Once we learn to do that (and it takes practice) the next step is allowing our intuition to be our guide. This skill comes with the practice of trusting what you sense. Take it slow, pay close attention, sometimes the thoughts and intuition get mixed up. For some of us we get intuitive signs in our gut, but it can come from many places. Get to know your intuition. Trust it.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Thinking is being! What we think about has a direct relationship to our state of being. If our minds are busy with worry and lack of faith, guess what? We will be anxious and hopeless. Thoughs are very powerful. They can direct our actions and change our mood. Practice changing thoughts next time you are in a bad mood. Think of giving thanks. See what can happen. Have a blessed day.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Everything we are thinking does not have to be said. For some of us, when we think of something we let it out. It is important to speak ones truth and not to be censored by past hurts, habits or concerns for what others will think. That is different from speaking without thinking and having a lack of awareness of the impact of your words. Slow down, pay attention and then talk. Sometimes we have no idea about the impact of our words so it is better to choose them wisely and state them gently. Have a peace filled day.
Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Find what words give you power and use them more often. Our thoughts and the words they give rise to can have tremendous power. We can use those words to negatively gain power or for greater good. Making a choice to use our words for good is a test of strength in and of itself. Once we make that choice then the challenge is to exercise it and use the good words more often. From such a choice can come miracelous things you might not imagine. Practice using your power more often. See your power manifest. See your words do some good.
Life, Healthy, & Vitality! Peace Dr. Ma'at

Friday, March 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Healh Message:
Our own thinking KEEPS us ashamed. The people in our lives (e.g., parents, siblings, friends, chldren, partners/spouses) sometimes do a good job of shaming us about things we have or have not done. Sometimes they lay it on subtly and other times it comes very direct. We have no control over how other people attempt to make us feel (consciously or unconsciously), yet we can be the master of our thoughts and control what we think. If we are feeling ashamed or less than in our self esteem, it is the thoughts we hold on to not just the original act that keep us in a state of being ashamed. We need practice telling ourselves new messages. Spend sometime being aware of what you are feeling. If it demeans you and does not feel right, practice assigning it a new thought.
Have a peaceful day.
Maat E.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
One day the things we don't understand will make sense! Have you ever been stuck on an issue or obsessed with trying to move past something but just can't make sense of it? We all have. The curse and the blessing is that our thoughts dictate a significant part of that process. Being stuck and obsessed are emotionally charged experiences that we block from release sometimes because we are trying to think through the issues when we may need to feel our way through. For example, you may think about calling someone who did you wrong and tell them how bad what they did is, but hesitate to do it for weeks. There could be guilt and anger you feel for allowing yourself to be involved with the person in the first place. Until you have greater compassion and better understanding of yourself, the emotional freedom you need to act may be stuck and on hold. Until we can experience true compassion for ourselves we are crippled in relating effectively with other people. When the emotional release happens we are free to relate and things make sense. Think about healing for yourself today.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you are thinking negatively about someone else you might as well be
thinking negatively about yourself. Our thoughts about the world around us are a reflection of who we are inside our own heads. Relationships full of hateful thoughts reflect an aspect of our internal thinking process usually coupled with emotional pain. Separate the thoughts from the emotions. For example, feel hurt, think compassion; feel anger, think compassion. The compassion is the first step and involves understanding that life is ever challenging and sometimes it gets hard. If you are hurting and don't feel good right now you need compassion and understanding. Start by giving it to yourself. When you find that love and gentleness for yourself it becomes more difficult to direct it at someone else.
Much peace and more love today.
Dr. Maat E.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
According to ancient African philosophy and wisdom, humans experience the fetters of life (e.g., fear, anger, hatred, frustration, lust, longing, etc.) and they challenge our emotional, physical and spiritual well being. In ancient times it was also customary for people to go through formal education or initiation processes to learn how to cope with these fetters. Although many of these systems of education no longer formally exist, today we can still apply and learn from the wisdom in our everyday lives. Our everyday lives are an educational and initiatory process toward understanding our Self. Embrace the process with life, health and vitality.
Much peace, more love Maat E.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Stay put and what you want will come to you. When we are clear about what we want and detoxify the fear that we will not get it, the things we want in life find there way right to us. By exercising clarity and intention we define our needs in the universe. The next step is to be receptive to what the Creator has to offer. The things you want, defined with clarity and intention will show up when the time is right. Keep the faith, lose the fear. Have life, health and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
"Be" more than "do" and you will get more things done. The importance of the state of "being" is seldom reflected upon. Western cultural values stress the need to do things. Valadiation and worth are then measured by what we accomplish. There is nothing wrong with achievement, yet how you get there may be the difference between leading a full healthy life or feeling run down and an early death. By doing so much we get things done with a high price to pay. Be still and watch how things begin to happen. Peace Maat E.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Slow down to hurry things up. Ever notice that when we are rushing toward some goal or hurrying to get things done, nothing seems to get accomplished or it still seems to take a long time. Everything is in divine order so whatever pace we move at is the pace where we ought to be. Slow down and the natural flow and progression of things will take over. Trust your process.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is divine order to our lives even in the chaos. It can be so difficult to understand why we go through struggles, have drama or just can't seem to figure things out and get it together. Everything happens as we need it to whether we know it or not. The difficulty comes when we don't know or forget that everything happens in the interest of gaining Self-knowledge. We forget that the Self is both a spiritual and material being manifest from an underlying Divine essence. Knowing our Self means knowing that we are more than the material ups and downs that life presents. We can transcend the drama. The more chaos we have the more opportunity we have to recognize that we are greater than it and do not have to identify with it. Have a blessed day!
Peace-Maat E.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Be kinder. What we put out in the world is what we will get back. The energy we give off can be very subtle, such as a relaxed demeanor or bold, like radiant smile. Pick your your demeanor for the day. What would it take for you to choose to be kind. Many of us feel as if we are always sweet and nice in the world. Take a closer look and practice being kinder than you already are. The kindness is not weakness. It is a demonstration of inner strength and compassion that will ultimately serve you more than anyone else. Have a warm and welcoming day. Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Compassion breeds humanity. No matter how much hatred and anger we feel towards another person there is a reflection of ourselves in what we direct towards someone else. The anger towards them is also anger at ourselves, perhaps for something we've unconsciously done or regret about our choice for the situation in the first place. Everybody wants love and consideration no matter who they are or what they have done. We want it for ourselves, when we make mistakes. Find compassion in yourself for you and all the people who have done you wrong. Compassion dosen't mean you forgive and except the same things to happen again, it means you understand we are all human, make mistakes and can heal and move on. Having compassion dosen't predetermine any behavior or response. It simply opens the heart so we can move beyond our past hurts and regrets. Have compassiion for someone today.
Life, health & vitality! In
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Sometimes lessons are expensive...especially life lessons. We've all taken a lesson or two during the course of our lives...piano, dance, tennis, karate and so on. These recreational opportunities for learning usually cost some nominal fee. The price might place a stretch on the budget, but it is something we can manage or do without until the money comes along. On the other hand, life lessons, those unsolicited opportunities for learning and growing, seem to come at such a high price. First, we don't expect the lesson so we are not prepared for the expense. Second, the cost for the unexpected lesson is well beyond the budget we set. Third, the lesson is so significant that we can not ignore it and essentially must pay. Fortunately, life lessons are meant for us, more like a gift to Self from Spirit. The lessons happen because we need them. The price may be expensive, but if we get the message, the cost will be well worth it. In addition, we will recover! Life lessons keep on giving and eventually paying for themselves.
Go ahead accept the expensive lessons.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Your soul mate is not necessarily your sole mate. The word soul refers to the unseen aspect of our personality that according to some exists beyond time and space. It may hold the sum of our experiences in this lifetime and those gone past. If this is so then a soul mate is someone who resonates with some aspect of the sum of our existence. They feel familiar and in harmony with who we are perhaps because the experiences of their soul compliments ours. From this perspective it is possible to have multiple soul mates, numerous people with whom we deeply connect because of past or unconscious life experiences. Having more than one soul mate does not mean we do not meet certain people that have something unique we share. It simply means there may be numerous people who uniquely connect to us. Be open to your soul mates. Peace Maat E.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
We have to go through life to get through life! As much as we all want to be spared heart ache and pain, it is the very fact that we go through such struggles in life that we learn how to cope. If we are fortunate, we learn how to access the endless well of divine strength that exists (often dormant) within us. During the next struggle of the day use the challenge to draw on more of your inner strength. May the day be filled with life, health and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Just as still waters are said to run deep, true love spreads wide.
When we have love coming from within our Spirit, it is limitless, unconditional and spreads widely. True love is not reserved for special people because it's reach is so wide there is enough for everyone. When we find ourselves falling deeply in love, it is also important to balance it out and spread the love around. Love widely and deeply.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Make love!
The concept of making love is not just about intimate relationships or a physical act. Making love means choosing to open our hearts to other people and creating a loving connection based on the divine essence of who we are. Making love means sowing seeds of warmth and kindness with new people we meet. Making love is about cultivating unconditional love without giving love under any condition. Make love with yourself meaning treat yourself better than anyone else. Make much love, create more peace. Be blessed. Maat E.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The more you love your Self, the more those you love will love you. Most people know the need to love oneself first, but fewer know how to engage in the act. Self love is simply an everyday exercise where we make choices about how we treat ourselves and subsequently influence the treatment from others. For example, an easy way to practice Self love is to choose to say kind things to ourselves instead of negative criticism and self talk. Another example, is to choose to take care of your basic needs before taking care of someone elses needs. Be aware that every thought and action we have is a choice. If your own love is a priority for you, it is more likely to be shared as a priority by someone else.
Have life, health and vitality today!
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Pass if aggressive! When we encounter situations where we or the people around us are aggressive, take a pass on it. Aggression is the assertion of oneself without regard for the other. Assertiveness is when we express our concerns keeping the other person in mind. If you are not concerned about them and they are not concerned about you then move on. Let that one pass. Spend your energy where it is worth concern.
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Learn how to hit a curve ball. In the game of life we can be sure that the ball thrown our way is often going to be a curve ball. Rarely, will the pitch come straight at us in some predictable way where we are guaranteed to even hit the ball, let alone knock it out of the park. With practice (life will give plenty of chances for that) we can learn to hit (handle) the unexpected with greater and greater skill. Until then we can only do our best.
Have life, health and vitality!
Maat E.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Great things are waiting for you. The powers of the universe are on standby waiting for you to give the command for what you want out of life. Not getting what you want is greatly a function of not knowing or being afraid to say it. It is that element of fear that stops us from taking small steps or action toward our goal. We can be so hard on ourselves not honoring what is by divine right ours to have. We all deserve it, whatever the it is. Are you willing to face the fear that creates the hesitation that keeps you from the great things waiting for you. Open up just a little bit to let your hearts desires free.
May your day be full of life, health and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Be the victor and not the victim! Bad things happen to good people and good people make bad things happen. No matter how we got to where we are, victory can be our from this point on. Take responsibilty for your healing, self care and actions. Claim what you deserve from this point on and work the process of forgiveness of your self and others for whatever in the past they or you did wrong. Start the forgiveness process by saying gentle and loving things to yourself verses negative criticism or judgements all day long. It is okay. Things happen and we go on. The Creator loves you and I do too. Be gentle and loving.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Trust the process not the person! We are all living the unfoldment of our own spiritual process. Everything is connected to learning how to return to or be in a divine state of peace and harmony with life, no matter what experiences we go through. So when we are dealing with other human beings and we feel scared, angry, hurt, and in distress, it is helpful to trust the process of what we are going through and not the person. The other individual is being used as a tool for you to learn to heal. They are going to do whatever the universe needs them to do in order for you to get the lessons you need. Spend time looking at your response to their behavior as opposed to their behavior. It is much easier to figure out and change your own stuff.
Trust your process. Have a day full of learning, life, health and vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Healing can be a slow process or happen in an instant. Whatever the case for your healing, be gentle with yourself. Sometimes we want to hurry up and feel better. It may seem that time is going to run out. When it comes to mental healing the process can be painstakingly slow and every moment seems like an eternity. We think were running out if time in anticipation of what is next. Since life is not promised and tomorrow may not come we are best served living in the moment tending fully to healing the wounds at hand. Be gentle, be still and the healing will come.
Life, health & vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Get your Self together!
How many times have we heard or thought that message? Well this one comes in the spirit of love with spiritual meaning. According to ancient Egyptian deep thought (aka philosophy) as we come in to this world the knowledge of who we are (one with the Divine) gets fragmented or separated from our consciousness and we go through life seeking that knowledge or meaning. It is the search for the Divine in us, beyond us, and around us in all things that we seek. Getting your Self together then means bringing together the consciousness of who you are. Before fixing your finances, relationships, or any material aspects of yourself, work on the spiritual Self, the Divine part of your being that is conneccted to the ultimate essence of love. Start there and it will all come together.
Have a great day full of life, health and vitality!
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Let your Self do the talking! Next time you get into a dialogue, debate, or very near a fight, let your Self talk. Your true Self is the part of you that is calm, has infinite wisdom, abundant confidence, and acute clarity. When we speak with the voice and intention of our higher Self we have a special influence to impact the outcome. We can talk from a place of honoring our Self while respecting the Divine in the other person. Speaking when we are centered in this way allows us to win because we don't lose our sense of Self. Practice letting your Self talk today.
Life, Health, and Vitality!
Dr. Maat E.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Do something new to take care of your Self. The spirutual aspect of our identity, our true Self is a Divine Spirit, a manifestation of God or what some call Higher Power, Supreme Being, Divine Force and a host of other names. Whatever the spiritual or religious path it is important to find a way to connect with the source and use it as a means to take care of your Self. Without attending to the needs of our Divine Spirit we get lost, unsettled, run down and out of wack. TAKE CARE OF YOUR SELF to help God take care of you!
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Listen to your Self--the Self being the unseen divine essence that communicates through our soul, mind and physical body! When our divine guidance is telling us something we just know it is true. The knowledge we need becomes as plain as day without the confusion or indecision that comes with doing things that are not right for us. When somehtinqg does not feel right don't do it. If you are unsure, wait. Your soul, mind or physical body will indicate what you need to know. The answers and all the clarity you want will come from your Self.
Be filled with life health and vitality today.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Mesaage:
Give your best and you will get back even better! The weight of the world may seem like it is on your shoulders in the form of family, community, relationships and kids. Each obligation in and of itself can seem insurmountable. Whatever the challenge, just do your best. Even if you can't do a lot, do the best you can with the little you've got. Your best effort will reap returns if you have faith in your Higher Power to provide your needs. Just do your part, your best, and let the Creator handle the rest.
Create life, health and vitality today.

Peace Maat E.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Create a spiritual support team. Life can be overwhelming on so many levels... work, family, relationships, friendships, kids. We all need people in our lives that we can call on for spiritual and emotional support. These are the people who help to remind us that the troubles we face will pass, the hurt we feel will heal and the confusion we have will turn to clarity. These are the people who also tell us bluntly that we need to check our behavior or to be gentle with ourselves. Thank God for the support network you have or are about to create.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The suffering in the world is an unfortunate natural part of life. Automatically we may start to ask "why". The key question is not why did this happen, but rather, why are we given this opportunity. Tragedy is the time to show the best and most loving of who we are. Suffering can move us to lean on one another and to connect more. We have a chance to give selflessly and feel good about it. Of course there is pain, both emotional and physical. All the love and support we can give does not bring loved ones back. It can however, bring us closer to the people with us now. It can give reason to honor the memory of those that are gone. It can heal the wounds that are oh so deep. In the midst of whatever suffering you are experiencing, ask why should I be loving at such a time like this. Don't try too hard to answer the question, just start giving what loving and supportive energy you have left away and the answer will follow.
In the midst of tragedy may there be life, health and vitality.

Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ask for help with anything, anything. No issue is too small for the Creator to handle. We may believe that the smaller issues should be kept to ourselves, but really the energy of Divine love and grace is always looking for a way to express itself. The more we ask for help the more opportunity there is for good to come in to the world. Go ahead, ask for something small today. With life, health, & vitality.
Maat E.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
It is one thing, and ok by the way, to FEEL afraid. It is another thing to ACT afraid, and not ok to let the fear dictate how you behave. Fear is a feeling and we do not have to act on our feelings all the time. It is similar to anger, in that it is appropriate as a human being to have the emotion of anger. What you do with the emotion is another story. So be afraid, be very afraid IF that is what you are feeling, yet remember there is a thin line of difference between what we feel and what we do. Be afraid, act with courage!!!
Have a blessed day. Peace Maat E.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Measage:
Dream, but don't forget to act! Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught us what it means to dream. That is to have an idea or vision of what the future can be. Just like Dr. King, we all have the capacity to put our dreams into action. We have the ability to serve the greater good of our families, our communities, our nations, and the world. Do not underestimate the power of your vision and insight. Put your dreams out there so they can come to life. Dr. King gave his life for a dream. Start with giving your time. Take action toward your dream. Life, health & vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Give something! Time, energy, awareness, prayer, money! Even when we have little to nothing there is always something we can give. Love and prayer--how about give that? Opening our hearts to someone else in need is also a rewarding gift we give to ourselves because we know some how we have touched a life. Give somehow, for something, to someone today! Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Messsge:
Fill your heart with love and light! The way to overcome negative, evil and dark energy is to put love in its place. It is difficult to fight darkness when we are metapphorically speaking, in the dark. That means we are less able to do battle when we allow the negativity to take root and establish itself within the self. The light of love is mighter in a dark battle. Eventually the light will prevail. Light always outshines darkness.
Be light, health and vitality on this day.

Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Write down your life lessons. Everyday we are presented with opportunities to learn more about our Self and to improve who we are. Life is such that if we don't learn a lesson it happens over, and over, and over again. It is like we forget the things that happen to us and are surprised when they happen again. Sometimes it helps to write the lessons down and to go back to them every now and then. Life will give you the exact learning experiences you need. The brain needs repetition to store experiences in the memory. So, write down those life lessons and read them over and over again.
Enjoy the day! Life, health, & vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Create spiritual success everyday and success in relationships, work, and family will follow. Some people believe that being spiritually successful is a point we can arrive at in life, yet what they may not know is that it is more of a journey than a destination. Being spiritually grounded requires daily awareness and affirmation. For some of us it requires minute by minute consciousness and checking in. Find a way to maintain your divine awareness and you will find the way to everyday spiritual success.
May the day be full of life, health, and prosperity!
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you have nothing to hide then don't hide anything. In our relationships we sometimes get caught up in dynamics where we are hiding our truth. This scenrio can easily apply to negative behaviors or deception, but it can also apply to our beauty and talent. In such cases we hide the truth of our strength for fear we will out shine the other person, s/he can not handle us or will feel less than in comparison to who we are. So we start hiding our divine gifts, dumbing down our intellect, ignore the things we enjoy and take care of other people at our own expense. Hiding who we are, the good and the bad gives no one in the relationship a chance to learn from the truth. Have a day full of life, health, and vitality! Peace Maat E.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Maat E's mental Health Message:
Time flies when you are living on purpose. When our days are full of focus and purpose time seems to readily move along. When we pay attention to outliers of our vision we get distracted and slow down. Time may seems to stall on us at these moments. Stay focused on your purpose, be clear about your vision and let time march on. May the day be full of life, health and vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If our goals are consistent with our purpose, the way will seem effortless at times. When we live and act in accord with what we intuitively know is our path in life, many of the obstacles we normally expect will easily move out of the way. Things in the universe will fall in line with the plan. It will seem miraculous how things come together. If we do experience challenges, it is simply an indication that there needs to be some adjustment to our plan. It probably does not mean we have to scrape the current goals, but be aware that something needs to change. If we use the intuitive knowledge we are given things will go our way.
Have a day full of life, health & vitality. Peace Maat E.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Heslth Message:
Count your blessings instead of your days!
What would happen if we looked at the calendar and noted our blessings each day of the week. Instead of marking how much time has gone by, recognize how much you have to be thankful for. Focusing on our abundance instead of our lack keeps us ready to receive more abundance. Count your blessings everyday. Start today with the fact that you woke up and are able to breathe. Recognize a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Make a resolutuon to be your higher self. The best new year commitment we can make is to live authentically, being our true self, one with the Divine Spirit. That essence holds all of our dreams and desires. It maintains the potential of our God given gifts. Resolving to be true to the inner wisdom we possess will lay the foundation for all the other goals and dreams we have. Start the year and every day of it reconnecting to your essence in order to support being your higher self. Have a authentic day. Life, health, & vitality. Maat E.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Happy New You! Yes you. The new year is a great time to reflect and renew the person you want to be.
Above all remember that you are a divine spirit, deserving of love, joy and all the happiness you can take. You deserve to be over flowing with abundance, wealth and the comforts of life. The sooner you believe the more quickly it will come. The greatest obstacle to your blessings is you. Remove all doubt that stops good things from coming your way. Remember to give as much as you receive. Have a blessed year full of life, health & prosperity. Peace, Maat E.
