Monday, November 16, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
According to ancient principles of wisdom, to have mental liberation we must learn to be free from resentment under wrong and under persecution. People from all races, ethnicities, nationalities and religions suffer some form of injustice or oppression. As individuals we sometimes find ourselves in relationships where people we love do mean things and treat us badly and out right wrong. One of the most challenging spiritual life lessons in such situations is to cleanse the heart to be free from resentment. This is absolutely easier said then done and can take years to cultivate and develop inside. Nonetheless it can be done and does not mean we forget even though we do forgive. In the example of the chatel slavery system, we can forgive the African brothers and sisters who helped the capturers take people into slavery, but can not forget so we do not allow similar situations to happen again and again.
Have a day full of life, health, and vitality. Peace Maat E.

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