Thursday, April 28, 2011

Maat E's Mental health Message

Resurrect your Self!

Many religious and spiritual traditions have a central focus on the concept of resurrection. Biological return to life after being dead. Depending on ones beliefs or philosophy the idea of resurrection can be applied to everyday life to create personal, social and familial success. From a psycho-spiritual perspective resurrecting involves waking up ones sense of spirit that may be inactive and using it to move our mental and physical being. The sense of spirit is that aspect of our self some define as a connection to something greater than yourself. This could be a higher power, life purpose or use of a special talent for example.
It could mean connecting to your sense of spirit to create more healthy and happy habits. Take this time to reflect on your resurrection. Get back into life and live.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Re: Maat E's Mental Health Message

Once we face our fears it Is easier to look ourselves in the mirror. 

Many of us spend years living life in fear of something (e.g., success, love, recognition). We make up reason after reason to explain or justify why we do not go forward with our dreams.  At the heart of the avoidance is fear. This debilitating behavior can affect simple and everyday tasks and interactions as well. When was the last time you did not speak up for fear of embarrassment or procrastinated taking care of a task like opening a bill. Fear is behind it all. To over come this challenge, first recognize fear is behind the issue and then ask yourself, what is the worst that can happen.  Better yet, ask if the worst does happen what will I do, how will I cope. Stay with the question until you get an answer. You can also ask what you will do if what you fear does not happen. You will be surprised with this approach how much you can over come.

Have a peace filled day. 
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Once we face our fears it Is easier to look ourselves in the face.

Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Passion in one's life is better than passion in one's bedroom.

Many of us seek to find passion in life but we are looking in places like romantic relationships instead of finding passion in all of life. Relationships can be wonderful and should be full of excitement, but wouldn't it be thrilling to live out our days with joy? Can you imagine feeling passionate about most of your interactions and not just ones reserved for a single person. Getting to a place of passion in life can start with doing what you love and moving closer to what feels like your life's work or purpose. Be passionate in all you do. Start with the things that bring you joy.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Own your own responsibility in every situation. If you've done wrong or made a mistake and are fortunate enough to be aware of it or lucky enough for someone to tell you in a thoughtful way, own the mistake by taking responsibility. It may be hard to be humble and admit what you've done, but owning your role is a key to moving on.

Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Maat E's Mental Health Message

The truth hurts, but it also effectively heals.

When we tell the truth it may act to reveal something we don't want to know. It may also shed light on a feeling we have that when told to someone else hurts and is painful. That same painful truth can open the way for healing and help to avoid building resentment. If we talk out the truth it may hurt, but set us free as the old saying goes.

Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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