Monday, August 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ancient Egyptian Proverb Theme of the Month - Be free from resentment!
As humans we naturally have emotions and get angry, frustrated, furious and mad. These emotions can be natural responses to unnerving situations. Worse is the onslaught of dehumanizing acts suffered as a people in the form of slavery, genocide, apartheid or other such atrocities. Being free from resentment in the face of ill will and treatment is almost unthinkable for some of us, yet resentment is not the same as the state of being angry or mad, it is holding on to such emotions after the immediate G threat or harm is done. Being resentful often means WE have not taken the action neccessary to begin healing, to remove ourselves, to confront the wrong, cope better or to ignore it if necessary. Those actions are our responsibility. We can not control a wrong doer, but we can affect the impact of the of the wrong and dow what we need to prvent it from happening again.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

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