Friday, April 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you don't control your own actions someone else surely will. When we are thoughtful about the choices we make our actions reflect the products of our own mind. If we are not mindful, we end up going through life on other peoples agendas. We end up doing things and have no idea why. Recognize that at every moment either you are able to choose your actions or someone elses influnce will dictate your way.
Be the master of your reality.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Try again! Sometimes our actions and works do not come out the way we intend them to. We might mess up, make a mistake or do something wrong. We are human and here to give rise to experiences so the energy of Creation may manifest itself. We don't control that energy, we just help facilitate it's movement. When things don't work out the way we expect it is an invitation to try again. Creation is ever evolving so our repeated attempts fit right in with the plan. Remember we are part of the greater plan.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Act with righteous ruthlessness. Once we are clear about what is right and true for us and the greater good then it is imperative that we are relentless in pursuit of it. Some people will be unhappy and dislike us, yet that is a small price to pay for the glory that comes from being true to your Self. Stand firm and stay steadfast in your truth. Have a day full of peace.
Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Find a way to ground your actions in discipline more than in disorganization. If we want to "make it happen" then we have to be more disciplined than not about doing whatever "it" is. However being disciplined does not mean doing "it" more, as much as discipling the mind to sort out disorganization. The chaos leaves us with no sense of control over our actions. The truth is we really don't have the control we think, yet it somehow helps believing that we do. Disciplining the mind is our greatest means of manifesting our actions.
Have a peace full day.
Dr. Maat

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message;
Go ahead, do it. If your intuition gives the signal to go for it, then do it. Act now while you've got unseen strength and forces behind you. Whatever the fear is in front of you, go through it. Choose to do it despite being afraid. Doing something even when there is fear gives the unseen protective forces a reason to help when you need it the most.
Go forward, even with fear.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Spending more time becoming clear about what you want to do will require less time to actually do it. It is much easier to control and then execute our actions when the intention is crystal clear. It is easier to get clear when we remove all distractions and become one with pure thought. Sitting or laying in silence, reflection, meditation or prayer all can bring about the clarity we seek and ultimately the action we want to take. Be still, then act.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ask for clarity before you make the next move. When we are stuck and unsure about the next step to take it is an indication that we are unclear. Where there is clarity there is action. Having clarity about what you want to do comes before having motivation. Being clear is a motivator. Ask your higher, inner, or greater power to reveal your next step with clarity. The answer will soon come. Peace Maat E.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Maat E. Mental Health Messsage:
Consider how often you are doing something for the sole pleasure of someone else. If you are a caregiver, you probably please too much. If you tend to be selfish you may not seek to please enough. When we get in touch with our internal Self we are able to provide selfless service for the sake of bringing pleasure and love. However, service to others at our own expense leaves nothing left for the greater good. Find the balance.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Healh Message:
Act like you care about yourself. During the course of a day we may engage in behaviors reflecting a lack of self love and care. We are eating, drinking and talking in self destructive ways. Without realizing we get out of control and might not even recognize how harmful we are being. Keep the idea of care in your conscious thoughts and then act in accordance with what you are thinking. Have a "care full" day.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Center your actions around your purpose. Once we know and understand our purpose in life, the what, where, when, and how of our actions become increasingly effortless. Take time to reflect on your Divine given gifts and how they can manifest in your everyday life. Then begin to weigh everything you do against the back drop of your purpose and act in accordance with things that fit who you are and the way you want to be in the world. Conflict and chaos will begin to move out of the way. Decisions will come easier and life will have joy. Act with purpose.

Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you tend to hesitate, try acting spontaneously or moving on intuition. If you usually move on impulse, wait a minute for an intuitive sign, then act. When we recognize our same old patterns of behavior we can change them to live more freely and in balance. Being observant of automatic behaviors is one of the first steps to changing what may not work. Another key step is having the courage to try change. Switch-up the old patterns today. Approach a situation differently. Have a great day.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Remembering the source of your Self will help you act like your Self. We are all Divine beings. Having such a nature does not mean we walk around needing to display how righteous and virtuous we are, but to live with Divine awareness to help us understand and make conscious chioces about our actions. It may help to ask questions like: Was that action promoting balance? Did I just break up the harmony? Am I acting with love. Remembering the source of our being keeps questions like these fresh and keep us true to our Self.
Have a beautiful day.
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Figure out the purpose of your actions. At some point in our days we do things to other people that we probably would not want done to us. We may fail to cut a man/woman some slack, judge a person's actions harshly, lie, ignore someone or talk with a negative tone. We are human and therefore we do these things, yet often behind our actions is a reason unknown. Most of our intentions are great, but the actions that come out don't match. Ask your Higher Self to reveal reasons for your actions. Ask a close friend to share their observation of you. All things will come to light. Peace Dr. Maat E.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Be aware of how you are acting. It is easy to go through life, especially being in a relationship, unaware of the impact of our behavior. Usually, no one tells us about ourselves because we are generally good people and everyone has their issues. Nonetheless, being a good person does not make for good relationships, but doing better when we know better does. Ask a loved one to tell you about yourself. Ask for the feedback with love and receive it that way. Take what is said as a gift to enable correction and to help you stay aware of the ways you act.
Peace & Blessings,
Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Message:
Getting physical or being still are two sides of the same coin! One of the best things we can do for our mental health is to get physically active. It really dosen't take much. Twenty minutes a day 3-4 times a week of increasing your heart rate can do the job.That could mean a nice brisk walk,
a few flights of stairs, or a good dance in front of your own mirror.
If the physical activity is difficult to do then try 20 minutes of being still. Sit quiet in meditative time. Let your mind be at rest. take your pick, do more activity or do less. Either one will bring benefits. Start today.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.
