Thursday, May 27, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Define your personal mission and keep referring back to it during moments of doubt or dispair. Life can seem so complicated and we sometimes lose our focus or get mixed up. Contemplate on your personal mission and what you are uniquely here to do on earth. Everytime you face a challenge or decision reflect on the mission as a reminder of your plan.
Live with life, health and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If something is not working it is probably time to stop using it. Sometimes we get focused on a goal or a mission and for years put our energy into what does not work. We keep using the same method or approach even though it is not working. If it does not work don't use it. Let it go and make room for something new. Changing your method does not mean changing your purpose. It means using a new way to reach your goal. Reevaluate. change-up, try something new.
Dr. Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If something is not working it is probably time to stop using it. Sometimes we get focused on a goal or a mission and for years put our energy into what does not work. We keep using the same method or approach even though it is not working. If it does not work don't use it. Let it go and make room for something new. Changing your method does not mean changing your purpose. It means using a new way to reach your goal. Reevaluate. change-up, try something new.
Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Use your roots as inspiration! In order to fulfill our life's work it helps to have an inspiring force. Our cultural and familial heritage is a great source of inspiration. For some of us the heritage may be full of pride and rich tradition. For others there could be pain and shame behind who we are. No matter what the nature of the history we can use it to propel us towards the divine work we are here to do. Learn about your story and be inspired to do your life's work.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Give away your gifts!
We are all born with some divine capacity to share with the world. Our gifts may be as natural as knowing how to relate to a child or as complex as creating some revolutionary invention. However, we ALL are endowed with the gift of manifesting the divine spirit to give and receive love. If we discover no other purpose in life we can always be a reflection of divine light, giving and receiving love.
Give freely.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Expand your comfort zone! Typically, in order to pursue our passions we think it is necessary to step outside of our comfort zone. Another way to consider this idea is to think of expanding the comfort you already feel to more situations and experiences in life. From a spiritual perspective this means identifying with the soul that functions interchangably with our Divine Spirit because it is always comfortable. This essence of who we are is connected to all things so it is never out of place. When we live according to our own unique purpose we are in a state of connection to our sense of Spirit and can expand it's consciousness so we always feel right where we ought to be. Find the comfort of Spirit in your soul and expand it everywhere you go.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Maat E.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The best made plans can be meaningless without purpose!
Our plans can require much less effort when we set them according to a purpose. That means setting our course of action based upon ideas and beliefs that have deep significance to us. It not only becomes easier to lay out the plans when there is purpose, but fulfilling a specific objective is much easier too. Understand what in your life gives profound purpose and meaning, then set your plan.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace Maat E.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Just because it is your life's purpose dosen't mean other people won't help. In fact some of the worlds greatest figures had thousands of people ready to help and serve. When we focus on our path all the assistance we need will show up. If not then it may mean there is a need to adjust the plan so others are clear about how they can help. Once you create the opportunity, help will show up.
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Maat E.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Go forward with grace or guts, either way you will reach a state of glory. We all want the rewards that come with pursuing our purpose. We have options about the attitudes we hold to get to our goals. Both grace and guts can provide the strength we need to press on because they arise from the heart and core of our being. Use your inner strengths and may you find purpose, peace and the glory of life.
Maat E.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Obstacles are reminders of what is important in life.
When unexpected things happen, they can help us to refocus on our purpose. It is like when something obstructs your view or is physically in the way you move it so you can see or focus on what is important. The challenge is to recognize the obstacle for what it is...just something in the way and not the object of your focus. If we are not careful, we can end up spending all of our energy on the obstacle. Remove the obstacles, remember your purpose.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Are you devoted or distracted? When it comes to what is important to you in life, are you devoted to it or distracted from it? The latter is much easier, but the former gives more rewards. If you are distracted, make note of it and use the obstacle as motivation to refocus. Be aware of how much you are enlivened and renewed by devoting to your purpose for example. Life is like a monetary gift, spend it on what is important to you.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Clear your mind of doubt. If necessary, find a method, learn a meditation, sing a song or ask for help. Do whatever you need to do to rid the mind and the core of your soul of doubt. Of course you can pursue and fulfill yor dreams, but you've got to have faith and devote to your purpose. The commitment will also help clear any fear or reservation. Don't wait, clear your mind now. Think of a new affirmation and make a way for your path.
Life, Health & Vitality!
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
No matter what, we can always go back to the source. When confused or lost without direction, go to your source of strength. It will get you back on purpose. In reality we always have a purpose, but it may not be conscious to us so we are unaware of being on track. Live in the spirit of Sankofa...go back and fetch it. Return to that which gives self-knowledge, purpose and strength. Remember your source, find your purpose.
Life, Health, & Vitality!
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Devote to a purpose but detach from its outcome. When we facilitate creation, we do not really dictate what it will ultimately become. In the process there are lessons to learn that can change our course. As parents for example, we have plans for our children with only so much control over how they turn out. Our purpose is to make a way for expressing Divine energy and to let it evolve, while not overly investing in what it will become. Devotion to seeing the purpose come to pass is all we need to hope for and ask.
Have a day full of devotion to your purpose.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. Lewis

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Just because you are not doing a lot, does not mean you are not living with a purpose. Likewise, being busy does not necessarily mean you are productive towards your purpose. When we understand that we are living on purpose there is no need to fear we will not get things done. Life is going to happen and unfold in divine order no matter how much we are so called doing. Being on purpose will manifest exactly the opportunities we need when we need them. Live your purpose don't force it.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you don't know your purpose try living to give love. You can start trying it out on a family member, friend, co-worker or stranger. Children are the easiest receivers of love. Everywhere you go be loving. It is not necessary that you show it outwardly or act nice and sweet all the time. Just send warmth from your heart when you are around people. When encountering so called adversaries or haters really drawn on the love within, but use it for protection instead of faking like you want to give it away. Love repels hate. Live for love.
Peace Maat E.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Ancient principle/theme for the month of May...Devote to your purpose!

Each of us has come to this lifetime for a purpose. Some aspect of the greater Divine needs to come forth through us and our job is to remember what the reason is. For some people the answer comes early in life and is crystal clear. For others the process of knowing thyself takes much time, many years even just to unfold. If the self knowledge is not evident, look to the aspects of life that fill you with contentment and joy. Therein will be the answer. Know your purpose and you will know peace.
Life, health & vitality!
Maat E.
