Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Let your thoughts be Divinely inspired. We spend a lot of time in life letting our thoughts be dictated by the people and things that surround us in the environment. Eventully we internalize external beliefs and treat them as if they are our own. We become unaware of how we automatically respond to things and rapidly fire off unconscious thoughts. Be more aware and tune in to the innately divine voice that connects with each of us from deep inside the core of who we are. Trust the thoughts which come from that source. Speak the words which are lovingly inspired. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Let your thoughts be Divinely inspired. We spend a lot of time in life letting our thoughts be dictated by the people and things that surround us in the environment. Eventully we internalize external beliefs and treat them as if they are our own. We become unaware of how we automatically respond to things and rapidly fire off unconscious thoughts. Be more aware and tune in to the innately divine voice that connects with each of us from deep inside the core of who we are. Trust the thoughts which come from that source. Speak the words which are lovingly inspired. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Think with your heart. Modern research shows that the same information molecules that exist in the brain can be found running through our blood stream connecting to such organs as the lungs and the heart among others. This process helps us understand that thoughts and information are not solely in the mind, but run through us functioning interchangably between the mind body and the spirit. It is therefore possible to think with our hearts, to sense intuitively what we need to know. Such knowledge does not typically require the filtering of other thoughts that comes with thinking from the brain. Follow the intuition and end up with clarity.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message: Let your intuition do the thinking. One of the greatest challenges we can learn to overcome is controlling our thoughts. This means developing awareness of what we are thinking and making conscious choices about what thoughts to keep, discard, focus on or not. Once we learn to do that (and it takes practice) the next step is allowing our intuition to be our guide. This skill comes with the practice of trusting what you sense. Take it slow, pay close attention, sometimes the thoughts and intuition get mixed up. For some of us we get intuitive signs in our gut, but it can come from many places. Get to know your intuition. Trust it.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Thinking is being! What we think about has a direct relationship to our state of being. If our minds are busy with worry and lack of faith, guess what? We will be anxious and hopeless. Thoughs are very powerful. They can direct our actions and change our mood. Practice changing thoughts next time you are in a bad mood. Think of giving thanks. See what can happen. Have a blessed day.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Everything we are thinking does not have to be said. For some of us, when we think of something we let it out. It is important to speak ones truth and not to be censored by past hurts, habits or concerns for what others will think. That is different from speaking without thinking and having a lack of awareness of the impact of your words. Slow down, pay attention and then talk. Sometimes we have no idea about the impact of our words so it is better to choose them wisely and state them gently. Have a peace filled day.
Dr. Maat E.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Find what words give you power and use them more often. Our thoughts and the words they give rise to can have tremendous power. We can use those words to negatively gain power or for greater good. Making a choice to use our words for good is a test of strength in and of itself. Once we make that choice then the challenge is to exercise it and use the good words more often. From such a choice can come miracelous things you might not imagine. Practice using your power more often. See your power manifest. See your words do some good.
Life, Healthy, & Vitality! Peace Dr. Ma'at

Friday, March 5, 2010

Maat E's Mental Healh Message:
Our own thinking KEEPS us ashamed. The people in our lives (e.g., parents, siblings, friends, chldren, partners/spouses) sometimes do a good job of shaming us about things we have or have not done. Sometimes they lay it on subtly and other times it comes very direct. We have no control over how other people attempt to make us feel (consciously or unconsciously), yet we can be the master of our thoughts and control what we think. If we are feeling ashamed or less than in our self esteem, it is the thoughts we hold on to not just the original act that keep us in a state of being ashamed. We need practice telling ourselves new messages. Spend sometime being aware of what you are feeling. If it demeans you and does not feel right, practice assigning it a new thought.
Have a peaceful day.
Maat E.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
One day the things we don't understand will make sense! Have you ever been stuck on an issue or obsessed with trying to move past something but just can't make sense of it? We all have. The curse and the blessing is that our thoughts dictate a significant part of that process. Being stuck and obsessed are emotionally charged experiences that we block from release sometimes because we are trying to think through the issues when we may need to feel our way through. For example, you may think about calling someone who did you wrong and tell them how bad what they did is, but hesitate to do it for weeks. There could be guilt and anger you feel for allowing yourself to be involved with the person in the first place. Until you have greater compassion and better understanding of yourself, the emotional freedom you need to act may be stuck and on hold. Until we can experience true compassion for ourselves we are crippled in relating effectively with other people. When the emotional release happens we are free to relate and things make sense. Think about healing for yourself today.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you are thinking negatively about someone else you might as well be
thinking negatively about yourself. Our thoughts about the world around us are a reflection of who we are inside our own heads. Relationships full of hateful thoughts reflect an aspect of our internal thinking process usually coupled with emotional pain. Separate the thoughts from the emotions. For example, feel hurt, think compassion; feel anger, think compassion. The compassion is the first step and involves understanding that life is ever challenging and sometimes it gets hard. If you are hurting and don't feel good right now you need compassion and understanding. Start by giving it to yourself. When you find that love and gentleness for yourself it becomes more difficult to direct it at someone else.
Much peace and more love today.
Dr. Maat E.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
According to ancient African philosophy and wisdom, humans experience the fetters of life (e.g., fear, anger, hatred, frustration, lust, longing, etc.) and they challenge our emotional, physical and spiritual well being. In ancient times it was also customary for people to go through formal education or initiation processes to learn how to cope with these fetters. Although many of these systems of education no longer formally exist, today we can still apply and learn from the wisdom in our everyday lives. Our everyday lives are an educational and initiatory process toward understanding our Self. Embrace the process with life, health and vitality.
Much peace, more love Maat E.
