Sunday, January 27, 2013

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Learn to listen to your instinct instead of your ego.

When trying to make decisions or choices about what to do in life it is beneficial we learn to listen to instinct and not ego. Our instinct is a natural intuitive and innate inclination we have that gives guidance about which way to move or act. Our ego is the aspect of our self that thinks, feels or wills us to do something, but it is more based on reaction to our experiences of the past or hopes and fears about the future. Ego often drives us to chase a dream or pursue a goal. Instinct gives us guidance moment to about where we are right now which illuminates the best possible choice or option in this moment. When we stick to focusing on the now or this moment we don't have to be worried about future because we can trust our instinct will tell us what to do whenever the future comes.

Next time you are faced with a choice or decision no matter how big or small. Take a deep breath first and then ask yourself what is my instinct telling me. Wait until you get an answer. If nothing comes. Take another breath and ask again. Keep asking until an answer comes.

Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Every challenge is a gift if you receive what it has to offer. 

The difficulties we experience in life are all opportunities to grow. Each one presents us with some new lesson to learn if we are willing to see the challenge that way. When we see all obstacles as gifts in the form of lessons we can receive substantial information about what we need to change or issues we must address in our lives. So be thankful for your troubles as challenging as they may be and see them as a gifts which give you an opportunity learn and grow. 


Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Ask the person in the mirror to change before you ask anyone else.

We are all Divine beings and the challenging conflicts and confrontations we have with our families, loved ones or business partners often mean something in our lives needs to change. The important part of the challenge or obstacle is recognizing that the greatest need for change is within us. It is not our mother, father, husband, wife, man, woman, partner, children, sibling or friend that need's to change. It is you and you alone that needs to shift if you want to see change in your life. The change may be in the form of your thinking, your actions, or simply your prayers. The first step is to look in the mirror when you profess things must change and ask what I am willing to do to change the circumstances of my life.
Start with that question and build change around the answer. Have faith in the divine wisdom of the Great Spirit to guide and carry you through.

Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Remember to Breathe and Remember to Smile. 

Two of the most powerful acts we can  do for ourselves during the course of a day are to breathe and to smile. 

Research tells us that smiling can improve your mood. Studies also show that people who genuinely smile, even when they don't feel like it, are less stressed than those who do not. 

We also know that breathing detoxifies and releases toxins. It also releases tension, relaxes the body and promotes clarity of thinking. Research even shows that breathing helps ease pain and improves our immune system. 

If the facts are not proof enough try practicing to breathe on your own. Throughout the day recite the phrase remember to breathe and remember to smile. Then follow through with action every chance you get. 


Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
