Monday, November 7, 2011

Maat E's Mental Health Message

If at first no one hears your message, say it over and over again.

We all have a purpose, a message to share with the world. Sometimes we put our ideas out there, but it seems no one is listening and giving any feedback. The audience may be big like the world wide web or small like the members of our immediate family. Don't worry about how many people you reach right away. The first step is to put your ideas out there, any where. Get them out of your head and into the universe. Repeat the message over and over again. Eventually you will be heard and someone will tell you so. Be fearless in speaking your message.

Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Maat E's Mental Health Message

If at first no one hears your message, say it over and over again.

We all have a purpose, a message to share with the world. Sometimes we put our ideas out there, but it seems no one is listening and giving any feedback. The audience may be big like the world wide web or small like the members of our immediate family. Don't worry about how many people you reach right away. The first step is to put your ideas out there, any where. Get them out of your head and into the universe. Repeat the message over and over again. Eventually you will be heard and someone will tell you so. Be fearless in speaking your message.

Maat E. L. Lewis

Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Maat E's Mental Health Message

To overcome wrong doing take responsibility for what happens next in your life.

We can not stop seemingly negative situations from happening to us. Someone is always going to disappoint, break our hearts, take advantage or manipulate us. Oppression will remain a force to contend with. Expressing negative energies is not separate from our own capacity and in some form we express the same energy we try to avoid, escape or resist. To fight what may seem like external wrong or oppression we must take responsibility for our lives. Commit to changing and influencing the things you can and letting go or praying on the rest. For example, if your voting rights have been violated, file a complaint, protest, and let the wrong be known. Then further educate yourself to prevent it from happening again. Relief will come from the action you take and the awareness you have that you ultimately create your own peace of mind.

Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
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