Sunday, December 25, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Within the African diasporic cultures the practice of creating traditions and ritual is very important. Many communities make a point of marking occassions like births, the change in the seasons, food harvests, and age-based rites of passage with special events and celebrations. These activites establish traditions that are shared and provide for advancement of communal knowledge, emotional healing and renewal of commiment to what matters most.
For all people of African descent Kwanzaa (Dec. 26- January 1) represents the perfect opporutnity to establish tradition in the home or community. If you have not done so already start your preparations. Decorate your home with the colors red, green and black. Use cloth, art work or anything you create. Set up the symobls of Kwanzaa using a mkeka (mat), a basket with fruits and vegetable, ears of corn (one for each child in the family) and a Kikombe cha umoja or unity cup. Add the kinara, the special candleholder with the seven candles, one black, three green AND THREE RED and your celebration is set to begin. Spend each day in the ritual of lighting a candle and remember the past and celebrating the future by reflecting on each of the seven principles....Umoja (unity), Kujichagulia (self-determination), Ujima (collective work and responsibility), Ujamaa (cooperation), Nia (purpose), Kuumba (creativity), Imanni (faith).
May we have peace this Kwanzaa season.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Many of us go through life living in accord with the saying "hope for the best and prepare for the worst." This is useful advice to prepare us for how to deal with the unfavorable events in life that we sometimes have to deal with. Unfortunately too many of us spend more time focused on the worst case scenario rather than the best possible outcome. Sometimes we prime ourselves for the disappointment and forget to prepare for a great outcome. We then end up not planning or putting ourselves in the best position to actually get what we want. In fact research shows that people tend to seek out the negative information pertaining to themselves more than the positive information. So hope for the best and prepare for the best. Be ready because things might just turn out as you hoped.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Monday, November 7, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
We all have a purpose, a message to share with the world. Sometimes we put our ideas out there, but it seems no one is listening and giving any feedback. The audience may be big like the world wide web or small like the members of our immediate family. Don't worry about how many people you reach right away. The first step is to put your ideas out there, any where. Get them out of your head and into the universe. Repeat the message over and over again. Eventually you will be heard and someone will tell you so. Be fearless in speaking your message.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Maat E's Mental Health Message
We all have a purpose, a message to share with the world. Sometimes we put our ideas out there, but it seems no one is listening and giving any feedback. The audience may be big like the world wide web or small like the members of our immediate family. Don't worry about how many people you reach right away. The first step is to put your ideas out there, any where. Get them out of your head and into the universe. Repeat the message over and over again. Eventually you will be heard and someone will tell you so. Be fearless in speaking your message.
Maat E. L. Lewis
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
We can not stop seemingly negative situations from happening to us. Someone is always going to disappoint, break our hearts, take advantage or manipulate us. Oppression will remain a force to contend with. Expressing negative energies is not separate from our own capacity and in some form we express the same energy we try to avoid, escape or resist. To fight what may seem like external wrong or oppression we must take responsibility for our lives. Commit to changing and influencing the things you can and letting go or praying on the rest. For example, if your voting rights have been violated, file a complaint, protest, and let the wrong be known. Then further educate yourself to prevent it from happening again. Relief will come from the action you take and the awareness you have that you ultimately create your own peace of mind.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
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Sunday, October 23, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
In life there are so many opportunities of challenge and conflict that demand showing up and being seen so to speak. It happens in our relationships, work, social and political affairs, and in community dynamics. Anytime we interact with people, we have a choice to let our voice be heard, to stand up for what we know to be true. Being a force to be reckoned with does not mean being load, aggressive, pushy or hostile. It means facing challenges and conflicts head on by becoming clear on your truth, expressing it and standing by it. Show up, stand up, express yourself and be heard. You are a force to be reckoned with.
Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
The best form of dreaming is the kind we do while awake. That is the planning, organizing and executing of all the things we want to do to change our world. Life can be short and cut short dramatically sometimes. We owe it to ourselves to live to the fullest by carrying out our dreams right now. We bless others when we share our vision and execute our plans. For some of us that vision will change the world for others we may simply change our household. Use the lives of great people as example or use the loss of a loved one as an inspiring reason to carry on.
God bless all our visionaries.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Take time to educate yourself about the history of the holidays. Many holidays, particularly in American society are tainted by the reality of there being two sides to every story and the fact that what is reason to celebrate for one group may be a reason to mourn for another. We all have a right to acknowledge our truth and what is joyous, freeing or emancipating for us. Yet, it is important to remember that one's joy may come at the expense of another's pain or one's freedom may be another person's imprisonment. Living in such a culturally diverse society demands that in addition to honoring ourselves we must respect others. Take time to educate yourself about all sides of his-story.
Peace Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Start each day asking the powers in the universe for what you want. Many times our wishes do not seem to come true, but the problem may be that we are not asking for what we we want and certainly not often enough. Each morning or night before bed, put your wishes out there and request what you need. Be very specific in your request and believe that what is yours will come to you. Asking each day is a great start, but don't be ashamed for more frequent requests if it helps you focus and remember your wishes. No matter how often you ask the response will come exactly when it is suppose to at just the right time.
Have a peace-filled day.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
It is so easy to turn on the people we love because they are close to us and usually love us back. We may begin to forget that our mates do not have to be with us or for us and can stop having our back. When a gift is taken for granted it can soon be lost or taken away. In the case of a loved one or mate he/she may choose to just walk out. Remember it takes work after you "fall in love", but what you give out will come back. Have faith in your purpose and bond if you are a couple and always treasure your gifts.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
If you understand and believe that things happen for a reason and that all our experiences are opportunities to learn, than you can learn to trust life and not specifically the people in our lives. The people are simply a part of the processes we need to go through in order to learn what we need to know. Trust that the actions of the people in your process are about what you need for your process not about the person. Once we learn to trust the process we can handle the problems with people.
Maat E's Mental Health Message
One of the greatest honors is to be remembered. Living a life of service to help other people is one way of achieving the honor of remembrance. Think about what it is that you are or want to be doing with your life. Then ask yourself, am I doing my best being committed to my purpose. Next, ask yourself who knows about by service. You do not need to affect massive or large groups of people, but aim big and influence as many people as you can. Whether in moments of crisis or everyday life be someone worthy of remembrance.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
One of the greatest honors is to be remembered. Living a life of service to help other people is one way of achieving the honor of remembrance. Think about what it is that you are or want to be doing with your life. Then ask yourself, am I doing my best being committed to my purpose. Next, ask yourself who knows about my service. You do not need to affect massive or large groups of people, but aim big and influence as many people as you can. Whether in moments of crisis or everyday life be someone worthy of remembrance.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Ma'at E's Mental Health Message
Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Monday, August 29, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
It is time to learn something new. It dosen't matter if you are a toodler preparing for head start, a teen preparing for high school, a young adult going to college, a late bloomer or mature person reinventing yourself. It is time to learn something new, time to go back to school. Your classroom can be formal education or a life experience. Just open yourself to learning something new and let the lessons present themselves.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
It is not what happens to us that we have to struggle with but our own thinking about what happens to us. When tragedy strikes or bad things happen it is natural that we feel pain, sadness, anger or frustration among other feelings, but it is important to note that thoughts are not the same as feelings. For example, if you lose your job it is natural to feel angry, sad or frustrated emotions. It is another thing to call yourself names or beat up on yourself with negative thoughts. The emotions will come the negative thinking does not have to follow. Replace negative self-talk with supportive affirming statements. We can do anything despite any of our shortcomings.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Anything is possible! That is a strong statement, yet for most of our dreams and aspirations it is true and there is a way for them to be fulfilled. Many times it is more the fear of our success than than failure that keeps us from our dreams. What are you afraid of? What is the worst that can happen and what will you do if the worst does turn out? Ask yourself these questions and use the answers to overcome your fears.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Letting go of the need to be right can be difficult. We may feel like we have something to prove or just out of habit have to argue to be right. Releasing that need is easier said than done, but learning to do it can set you free from pain, anguish and heart ache. To start letting go of being right practice during your next conversation. Pause for a moment when you feel yourself arguing your point to no end. Ask yourself what am I feeling at this moment to make me think I have to push the issue so hard. When we can let go in that moment even if we know we are right our spirits are able to be more free.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Learn to change with the seasons. Use the break of summer for example as a motivation to make a new season in your life. Every quarter we have a reminder of the natural shift that mother nature makes with the climate. Take the change in nature as a reminder that it is time to make your own life changes. If something is not working for you like a job, relationship, your health or some commitment, now is the time to change. When you get the inclination to make a move act on it, don't wait. Just remember that change begins with you and not with making adjustments in anyone else.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Sometimes we hope for things in life and we wish for certain or particular blessings. Often we expect those desires to come true at will when we think they should happen. Life beautifully and thankfully doesn't exactly work like that. The miracles we hope for usually do not occur at will, but they always willingly occur when we need them according to divine will. This happens because we are worthy and the forces of the universe want to give us help. Thus, the divine order of life unfolds exactly as it should, when it should, to graciously grant what ever blessings we are due. Trusting this divine order and knowing that what you truly need will arrive or happen when it is meant to happen is key. The creative forces of this universe are awaiting the precise moment to willingly provide what you need. Have faith the miracles will come.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
We can all come up with a million excuses for why we did not do something, yet are less likely to have reasons for what we want or need to do. For example, many of us want to loose weight, yet we come up with excuses for why we did not start to buy better food, like it costs too much or why we did not exercise, like we are too tired. Another example is making more money. We have a lack of time as an excuse instead of following our passion or dream as a reason to get creative and hustle. If you find yourself with more excuses for why you didn't do than reasons for why you will, try listing or just thinking of your reasons instead of when you start to make an excuse. This focuses you in the direction you want to go. The next time you have an excuse replace it with a reason.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Maat E's Mental health Message
Many religious and spiritual traditions have a central focus on the concept of resurrection. Biological return to life after being dead. Depending on ones beliefs or philosophy the idea of resurrection can be applied to everyday life to create personal, social and familial success. From a psycho-spiritual perspective resurrecting involves waking up ones sense of spirit that may be inactive and using it to move our mental and physical being. The sense of spirit is that aspect of our self some define as a connection to something greater than yourself. This could be a higher power, life purpose or use of a special talent for example.
It could mean connecting to your sense of spirit to create more healthy and happy habits. Take this time to reflect on your resurrection. Get back into life and live.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Re: Maat E's Mental Health Message
Once we face our fears it Is easier to look ourselves in the mirror.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, April 10, 2011
Many of us seek to find passion in life but we are looking in places like romantic relationships instead of finding passion in all of life. Relationships can be wonderful and should be full of excitement, but wouldn't it be thrilling to live out our days with joy? Can you imagine feeling passionate about most of your interactions and not just ones reserved for a single person. Getting to a place of passion in life can start with doing what you love and moving closer to what feels like your life's work or purpose. Be passionate in all you do. Start with the things that bring you joy.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Maat E's Mental Health Message
When we tell the truth it may act to reveal something we don't want to know. It may also shed light on a feeling we have that when told to someone else hurts and is painful. That same painful truth can open the way for healing and help to avoid building resentment. If we talk out the truth it may hurt, but set us free as the old saying goes.
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, March 27, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Often, we wake up with worry on our minds. It is natural to feel concerned about our stress and the woes of the world. It can be very difficult at times to combat such stress, but a little thanks for our blessings can cure a lot of ills. This approach is more effective if it is done everyday and can be twice as powerful if we share our thanks with family and friends. For example start the day telling family you are glad to be with them. If you recently had a loss give thanks for the memories. Life gets better when we can count our blessings.
Maat E. L. Lewis
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Within family relationships we sometimes hold resentment that influences us to treat our kin worse than we would treat a stranger. The more resentment we hold on to we become blinded to having compassion and being forgiving of the people in our own home. Readily many of us run out and do things for others or show a good face outside the home. Yet when we turn our own front door key we are at a loss for kind words or loving thought. Remember love requires us to be patient and kind.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis
Ma'at (Erica) Lewis, Ph.D.
Send via iPhone.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Massage
It is so easy to get busy being concerned about what we "have" to do that we over look the stress and toll it has on us. Life is a fragile gift that can so quickly be taken away. Therefore, it serves us best to keep the gift of life in perspective as our most important priority. Making life the top concern can mean caring for our physical, mental and spiritual well being and the wellness of those we love above all else. Slow down, put life in perspective.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Staying spiritually grounded is daily work. Focusing our attention and intention on thoughts that bring us peace is an important step to remaining grounded everyday. As an example being thankful for our blessings and troubles balances the the ups and downs of life so neither is so consuming that we can not manage when the other happens. Giving thanks when things are good or bad reminds us that life is ever changing and requires learning to ask for guidance regarding the good and coping skills for the bad.
Peace Maat E. L Lewis
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Monday, February 7, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Massage
Miraculous things do happen in life. More often than we realize, a mystical world is unfolding before us. We don't see it because we are busy with the mundane and closed to the possibilities. Seeing miraculous things unfold is more about having an open mind than open eyes. Before good things are revealed to us we need to be open in our hearts and minds. Only then will things visually manifest and begin to appear before our eyes.
Have a peace filled day.
Dr. Ma'at E L. Lewis
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Many of the pioneers celebrated in Black History Month demonstrated their greatness as opposed to talking about it or trying to convince others first. For example, Sojouner Truth traveled the underground railroad for many journeys without telling the route. We can do so much more and have a far greater impact by showing people than telling them. When we live out our life purpose in action we give meaning to our words. So live your purpose or do what you want to say and then tell about it.
Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Ma'at E's Mental Health Message
Every day of the week can be filled with rewarding days if we direct our intention that way. Start off the day with intention for how you would like it to go. Return to thinking about that focus every chance you get.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
Often we get signs providing indications of important information. In turn we may question, ignore, reflect or take action on the message. More often we respond with the former two, when we need to react with the latter two. When our Higher power and/or inner wisdom is telling us something we must listen, trust the process, reflect, and then act.
Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. Lewis
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
How are you feeling today? Energetic, tired, restless, alert? Our energy level can tell us a lot about our lives and what we are doing or not on any given day in terms of self-care. It can also give an indication to chronic health problems such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies or slowly developing disease. Living with awareness of how we feel and then taking action to address what we become aware of is critical to having a vibrant life of health and vitality. Pay attend to how you feel and take time to act on it.
Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Maat E's Mental Health Message
When our bodies are physically healthy we are more likely to be mentally healthy. For example, when you have a cold you may feel more irritable. Being ill can make otherwise small issues seem like a big deal. We are thus less able to respond or cope effectively. This makes the physical and mental problem more difficult to overcome.
When an illness is long term or chronic our risk of serious mental distress is even higher. The mild blues can turn into prolonged sadness, depession and anxiety. When we see these signs it is time to take notice and ask for help. We may need a jump start to restore the coping strategies that usually help like social support, prayer, meditation, medical advice, better exercise, nutrition and so on. The key point is not to over look when we are not feeling like ourselves and to ask for support and seek out help.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Ma'at E's Mental Health Message
If your spirit tells you so, listen!
From the smallest task to life's greatest work, focus on the present and do what your spirit is calling you to do now. This way of being can help act against procrastination and putting things off until another moment or day. Your spirit needs to express itself in the simplest and most grand ways. When we are in touch with the core of our being life unfolds and we know exactly what to do. If you need to get in-touch with your own sense of spirit, spend time in quiet reflection or meditation. Guidance and direction will come. Keep returning to the reflection until spirit speaks.
Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Monday, January 10, 2011
Ma'at E. Mental Health Message
See your success, then be your success!
Before we accomplish most things in life we need to know that there is something to achieve. Having a vision of what is to come can increase it's likelihood of arrival; however, the picture of our success does not need to be perfect. Sensing your vision with your heart is as powerful as creating a vision in your mind. So, start seeing or feeling your success.
Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Friday, January 7, 2011
Many of us may not know this, but the brain is capable of restructuring itself. Research tells us that when we have physical injuries like strokes or trauma to the head for example, it is possible for the brain to create new pathways in order to reinstate functioning. The same can occur when we have emotional disorder or trauma. Through healing and practice new pathways for emotional response or behavior change can occur. Of course there is no magic pill or potion to make these things occur and change may not happen for everyone. However, with time and sometimes a miracle change comes. Have faith wounds can heal; behaviors can change; thinking can shift.
Maat E. L. Lewis
Use brain power so you don't loose brain power! It is estimated that we humans use only ten percent of our brain's capacity. In fact, the more we use the brain the more capable it is of being used effectively. This is one reason for challenging ourselves or having high expectations for our children and giving them the chance to practice their skills. As we use the mind we are conditioning it. Similarly, when we do physical exercise and we become physically stronger. When we exercise our thinking we get mentally strong. So make time to read a book, solve a puzzle, learn something new. Your brain will be better for it.
Have a day full of mental exercise.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis
Ma'at E's Mental Health Message
Have a peaceful day.
Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Ma'at E's Mental Health Message
One of the great benefits of the turn of the new year is the chance we have to learn new knowledge. The beginning of the year is a reminder that life is ever evolving and that we can restart and renew by seeking to gain new information. Reflect on what in life needs attention and in what way do you need to grow. Whatever you want and need to know, now is as good a time as any to make steps to gain the information you need. Have a year full of wisdom and knowledge.
Maat E. L. Lewis