Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Ujima: Collective Work & Responsibility

Working collectively comes from each of us taking responsibility for our own unique contribution to what needs to be done. Each of us has a role to play and the more time we spend focusing on cultivating our craft or contribution the more prepared we will be to get the job done. By taking responsibility for our part we can contribute to the greater whole and good. Sometimes we get worried about how we will ever be able to make improvements in our community. We ask ourselves, how will we possibly change all that needs improvement and healing in our community? Through working collectively and taking responsibility for the part we contribute to the greater good, anything can be accomplished in time.

Maat E. Lewis

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

Remember the reasons to be hopeful.
Life can be such a challenge, filled with emotion, stress, anxiety and fear. At the change of the seasons and the end of the year we can feel especially weary. A lack of hope is one of the greatest predictors of the most serious of self-harming behaviors (e.g, attempting to take one's own life). Therefore, it is important to get reminders as often as possible of our purpose, who we love, and what gifts or blessings we have to live for. When it gets hard to remember these things, it is time to ask for help. Ask if you need it or support someone else.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Be clear about what you want and how you get it will take care if it self. Our lives are truly in Divine order. Those who know this see the evidence more quickly and trust that the main thing they need to do is get clear about what we want and their intention. We know that when we remove fear we can think clearly and life seems to deliver all we need. We know that doubt creates doubt and disconnection from our truth. Get and stay clear about what you want and remove the doubt out of the way. Have a blessed day.

Peace, Ma'at E.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

Please your Self! Our sense of higher Self, our core being, or inner wisdom is the only thing we ultimately need to answer to. As adults we are free to make choices about life, yet too often we are looking to please other people or for their approval instead of searching within ourselves for internal assurance and validation. The inner wisdom resting in the Self knows what is best. When we seek to draw on that knowledge the return of pleasure and satisfaction can be immeasurable.
Have a peace filled day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message

Our own sense of faith is just as valid as everyone else's beliefs. So if what you believe works toward the greater good and inner peace, use it until you find something else more effective.

Many of us hold spiritual belief systems passed down from our families of origin. Some of the beliefs are questionable, particularly when the people who teach them more often than not, do not walk the talk or behave in counter loving ways. Confusion or even resentment may set in for some of us as a way of dealing with the mixed messages about our beliefs. Finding what is right and true in our hearts can be difficult when unsettling emotions exist. Return to the core of what you know to be true, what works, what gives you peace, and what grounds you. We all have that capacity in the core of our being and can tap into it in times of need.

Stay true to what you know to be true.

Ma'at E. L, Lewis, Ph.D.

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:

The more we live with our thoughts in the present the more free we can live our lives in the future. Life can be more free of stress and drama when we stay present in our thinking. In contrast, when we are preoccupied by the past or anxious about the future fear dictates our behavior. For example, maybe in the past we found ourselves in unsupportive or even abusive relationships. If we stay afraid of the same thing happening again, instead of making courageous choices about the relationships in front of us now, we will continue to attract and engage in what we focus on...the fear based situation. Stay present and in the moment. Be courageous.


Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

When we focus we are phenomenal. One of life's secrets to success is focus. We can do anything but we can not do a darn thing if we are trying to do everything. Prioritizing and focusing are essential if we are to accomplish what is most important to us. Take time to stop all the activities going on and prioritize them. Take one at a time and watch the success unfold.

Have a blessed day.
Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Admitting the truth to ourselves can be harder than telling the truth to someone else. Despite all the denial and things we tell ourselves, usually there is a truth that we know in our hearts but feel afraid to admit. Sometimes we deny our truth because it is linked to our deepest fears. We may or may not actually know what that fear is, yet a good part of the time we probably do. For example some of us are in love but will not admit it; some want love but don't truly believe we deserve it; others want love, yet are not willing to do what it takes to get or keep it. Whatever the situation, admit the truth despite feeling the fear.

Peace, Ma'at E. L. Lewis
