Monday, November 29, 2010

Mental Health Message

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Taking care of our Self first provides us with better ability to care for everything else. Some of us have a hard time tending to our own personal and spiritual needs before taking care of the needs of others. We are often compelled to come to the aid of others while forgetting to tend to our basic needs. Like magic, if we take care of ourselves first we become better equipped to support those around us. Put Self first and then give selflessly.
Have a "peace full" day.

Maat E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Our Spirit never gets tired of feeding our soul, but the mind and the body need rest. Fortunately, our Spirit has a Divine source of energy from which it emanates and fuels the soul, mind and body to do their work. Because the mind and body both materially manifest they physically use energy and get tired. This is particularly true when there is a separation between these two and Spirit. To improve that process, the soul makes the link through it's unconscious existence. So the key to maintaining physical and mental energy is being in-touch with our soul to access the power of Spirit. When this happens our energy level will increase no matter what the external circumstance.

Reconnect the soul, mind and physical body to Spirit. May we have life, health, and vitality.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Recognize that love comes in various shapes, forms and fashions. Sometimes we are in loving relationships, but fail to recognize the love that we get. For example, we may love to get hugs and our loved ones love to give kisses, but because we are kisses we fail to acknowledge the gesture love.

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Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Give people the opportunity to help and move away from those who won't.  There are probably twice as many people who want to be helpful but have not been asked as there are people who have been asked but refuse to help. Depending on who we are our frustrations with the dynamics of help will be different. Become aware of your issues and whether you have trouble with asking for help or feel it is never there when you need it. 

Whatever the case we must stay open to asking for what we need. No one can read our minds. There are tons of people wanting to be supportive, yet sometimes we do not give them the chance to express their open heart. 

Everything we need is out there if we choose to let it in. 

Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Sometimes our closest sister or brother is not a relative at all. Life brings all kinds is family circumstances and situations where we may not have good family relationships or even know who our relatives are. Even when we do have a loving family, there may be the need for a larger network of support. Seek out and don't overlook the bond of sisterhood or the extended hand of brotherhood with fictive kin, friends, and community that may be available. Stay open to those who seek to help and extend a helping hand.


Ma'at E. Lewis, Ph.D.

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

There exists a direct connection between our inner (mental) world and what occurs in the outter (physical) world. Because we are made of energy, the same energy that gives existence to all things in the universe, the vibrations of our existence intimately connect us to the dynamic vibrations of things in the physical world. This can be a difficult concept to accept, yet by paying attention to this process we can see proof of it's existence. Notice how we attract the things we focus on the most. If we focus on doubt life will attract questionable situations; focus on lack and we will continue to have less; focus on abundance and the blessings we have will expand; focus on knowing and answers to our questions will be revealed.
Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

We are always in the midst of our own spiritual process. Another way I
refer to this is by saying that we are always in our own
"psycheology". The roots of the words psyche and -ology, are spirit
and the study of, repectively. Our challenge is to constantly stay
aware of our process, studying, understanding and integrating it into
everday life. Living with such spiritual awareness can seem very
hard, yet the rewards of being closer to one's own spiritual truth are
abundant. A sence of peace, balance and order will return with
refocusing awareness on our process. Again, it seems difficult, yet to
be aware is really a gift.

Have no fear or go forward even when there is fear and stay aware of
the spiritual process.

Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Where there is choice there is change.
Deep within the heart and core of our being rests a soul that directs
all the choices and options we have in life. At the soul level, when
we make our life choices and decisions they are being weighed against
the wisdom of our Divine Spirit that is all knowing. We therefore have
choices to which there are always answers if we seek guidance at the
level of the soul from Spirit. Trusting this inner wisdom will bring
change, balance and joy.
Have a peaceful day.

Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Within the core of us all there is a space filled with wisdom and
knowledge that knows exactly who we are and what is best for us. When
we are too busy with life that self knowledge can become clouded or
blocked from our awareness. Taking time to connect with the inner
wisdom is crucial because disconnection can so easily occur. Although
it is not easy, taking that time to reconnect it makes a world of
difference toward accessing our wisdom. Trust that we all can
reconnect and be guided by the wisdom that dwells within.


Ma'at E. L. Lewis, Ph.D.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Out blessings come when we learn to ask less for what we want and
listen more for what Divine will wants us to have. Sometimes we get
weary making prayers, meditating or wishes and not seeing the results
we want or expect. There is a Divine will that works in coordination
with what we want for ourselves. The challenge to getting what is
desidned for us is surrendering to Divine will and trusting that what
it wants for us is in order, even if it does not look like what we
When we let go of our need to direct and control we gain the power of
Divine guidance and will.

Have a peaceful day.
Ma'at E. L. Lewis
