Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
While you are looking for a teacher, remember to search within your Self.

Most of us long for a jegna/mentor, guru, pastor or guide to show us the way to our spiritual goals and aspirations. Teachers are extremely important as they provide guidance, wisdom and they challenge us to new heights. Teachers show-up when we begin to look inside ourselves . This is because our true Self--the manifestation of Divine essence--wants to express itself and will attract a teacher to help it. Look within and have faith that your teacher will show-up.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Most adverse situations cease once we learn to avoid them.
Although we don't really have control over what happens in life, we can cut down on the drama by avoiding it. This can be a hard lesson to learn and therefore we find ourselves in adverse situations over and over and over again. It may take time to figure this out, yet if we have faith in our higher sense of wisdom, it will teach us to not seek out adversity or at least to recognize when it comes our way. Avoid the adversity today.
Peace Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Monday, June 28, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Wisdom comes with learning from life's experiences not just living them.
We all go through things in life. Sometimes these experiences teach us lessons that stay with us. The extent to which we become wise from our experiences depends in part on whether we see events as a means of teaching a lesson or just another frustrating challenge. Every experinece can expand our wisdom if we let it. When we stay open we can receive the gift.
Be wise learn from life.
Peace, Maat E. L. Lewis

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Through being a teacher we learn the most.
The best way to really learn something is to become a teacher on the subject. As a teacher we learn the subject when we research it, practice it and then teach it. Repeated exposure to a topic makes us especially proficient. With discipline and focus we can become our own best student. Teach what you love and learning will follow.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E. L. Lewis

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
All of the experiences we have in life, the good and the bad are intended to teach us the lessons we need in life. Sometimes we can get tired of the lessons and feel like enough is enough. We know we are resilient and strong so the point of the lessons does not totally make sense. The lessons are not just to remind us of our personal strength, but the strength of our relationship to our sense of Spirit as we define it. We have the opportunity to practice leaning on our ultimate source of support. The more we lean the more readily we have relief. The lessons keep happening to give us more practice. Until we get it that we always are protected, we will continue to have opportunities to learn it. Appreciate the lessons.
Peace, Dr. Ma'at E.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Life's greatest truth is knowing that we are one with all of creation. With such a truth we are connected to all things and therefore have an
abundance of resources available to us. For some of us that truth is not yet a reality because we do not trust it enough to experience it. Have faith that the universe not only has all you need, but will teach you its truth. What you need is available in abundance.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When you take a leap of faith the Creator will catch you. Don't turn back or waver in your decision. No matter what the situation we are always supported and will be taken care of. Have faith and trust the process. You will be alright.
Peace, Dr. Maat E.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Our Higher Self is our greatest teacher. Many of us seek to find a master teacher to teach us the knowledge of a spiritual or cultural discipline. We try to learn techniques and approaches to overcome the challenges of life. What we often don't realize is our greatest teacher is the Higher Power that presents us with life lessons everyday. Trust your Higher Self to show you the way. Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Friday, June 11, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Life's lessons will continue to teach even if we have a hard time learning. Just because it takes us a while to get "it" sometimes, dosen't mean that we will stop having opportunities to learn our truth in life. Trust, Higher Wisdom will make sure we get "it" eventually. We just need to have faith and stay open to the lessons.
Trust today.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is only one truth, the one you believe. We may spend a lifetime in search of the truth, yet at any given moment what is true is what we believe. If there is a choice about the matter then why not choose to believe the truth that heals, uplifts and sets you free. The outcome will be so much better if it turns out that what you believe is true. If it is not true, you are no worse off than if you believed in the detrimental truth initially.
Have faith in your higher power to teach you the truth and believe it.
Peace, Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
There is only one truth, the one you believe. We may spend a lifetime in search of the truth, yet at any given moment what is true is what we believe. If there is a choice about the matter then why not choose to believe the truth that heals, uplifts and sets you free. The outcome will be so much better if it turns out that what you believe is true. If it is not true, you are no worse off than if you believed in the detrimental truth initially.
Have faith in your higher power to teach you the truth and believe it.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If there was nothing to learn we would not have teachers. Despite the fact that we are inherently born with a divine sense of knowing, most of us forget that and need to learn life's lessons through experience. Our teachers and guides are here to help us and if we are humble and open they certainly will. Trust that your teachers will show you the way. Stay open and receptive and you will learn the truth.
Peace, Dr. Maat E. L. Lewis

Friday, June 4, 2010

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Theme of the month: "Have faith in your teachers ability to teach you the truth." - Ancient Egyptian Principle of Virtue

If you see yourself as a spiritual being then it is likely that you have an appreciation for there being something greater than yourself to which you connect for guidance, coping and peace. The extent to which you have appreciation is based upon the clarity you have about your sense of spirit. Get clarity and have faith that your higher power will present all you need by way of life lessons to teach you what is necessary to find your truth. Trust in your ultimate teacher.

Peace, Dr. Maat
