Thursday, December 31, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If something from the past year has not served you then consider to leave it behind. At the end of a year or a decade ask the question... How has this served me? Evaluate the relationships, jobs, and all activities in your life. Determine if something uplifts you, has no affect or worse yet, brings you down. For whatever does not uplift you there is reason to move on. Again, answer the question, how has this served me? Decide on what act to take and then move on.
Peace, Blessing & Love, Maat E.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Habari Gani (What's the news?) Nia -Purpose the 5th day of Kwanzaa - the African American holiday founded by Dr. Maulana Karenga and celebrated December 26 - January 1.

Peace Maat E.

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Habari Gani (What's the news?) Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics, the 4th day of Kwanzaa - the African American holiday founded by Dr. Maulana Karenga and celebrated December 26 - January 1.

Peace Maat E.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Habari Gani (What's the news?) Kwanzaa - the African American holiday founded by Dr. Maulana Karenga and celebrated December 26 - January 1. Remember and live the Nguzo Saba (Seven Principles) 365 days of the year
Umoja - Unity
Kujichagulia - Self-Determination
Ujima - Collective Work and Responsibility
Ujamaa - Cooperative Economics
Nia - Purpose
Kuumba - Creativity
Imani - Faith
Peace Maat E.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
The greatest gift we can give is Selfless love. No matter what faith, creed or religion we believe in, we are all capable of giving and receiving love. Being selfless does not mean losing ourselves but integrating our higher self into who we are and what we share with others. It means letting a divine power greater than us go to loving work around us. Give freely of this love today. Have a blessed day.
Peace Maat E.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Travel light with physical and emotional baggage. Whether taking a long trip, a walk through the park or on your journey light. It is beneficial to your back and legs to carry less and it certainly makes getting through airport security easier. But, traveling with less on your mind makes any journey better. Carrying emotional baggage from one location to the next, let alone from one moment to the next can be detrimental and wear you down. Put things of the past in their proper place--in the past--and to the best of your ability leave emotional baggage behind. Have a blessed day. Peace Maat E.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Unwrap Your Self! Of all the things to open up during the holiday season the Self (our unseen divine essence that functions interchangably with the soul, mind, and body) is probably the most beautiful and precious gift to unwrap. Take off the fear, worry, and stress that cover the confidence, faith and free spirit inside. Tear away all the layers of doubt that cover who you are. Let the power within out. You can save the wrapping if you are not ready to fully let it go. Just set it to the side and it will be there if for some reason you decide to put it back on. If so, remember you can take it off and unwrap yourself again.
Have a free day full of life, healthy and vitality!
Peace Maat E.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
You are the gift! During holiday's gift giving is so called the loving thing to do. However, you should know that the best gift you can give is you. The beauty of the Divine exists in all of us and we each manifest it through unique expression. Share the love, knowledge, creativity and talent you possess. Who you are and the love you have to give It is more than enough. Give away some of your love today.
Peace Maat E. O

Monday, December 21, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Tis the season to be.... Holidays can provide a wonderful excuse to be jolly, but really everyday is a good day to be joyous and have fun. Life is too short and days go by too fast not to celebrate life and the people we love. Waiting until someone passes on is ok, but not really the best time to have a celebration of life. Enjoy life now! Tell people you love them today! Be good to yourself in this moment! Find something in your life to be thankful for and give thanks. If you can't think of anything, come up with something you need and ask for it so you can receive a blessing to be thankful for. We all deserve to live each day with joy. Tis the hour, day, month and season, for life, health, and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
You may not be fully aware of this, but who you are affects many people's lives. God gives each of us an aspect of the Divine to carry as we go forth in life. Sometimes we forget our own Divine spark and we walk around affecting the world in adverse ways. We are not even aware most of the time when we do it. Like in the moments when we have a snappy tone or when we give a luke warm greeting, the energy behind that lack of love has an adverse unconscious affect on the people we encounter. In contrast, when we speak with loving intention (even if the message is harsh) or share a warm embrace, the energy from that exchange has an up-lifting psychological, physiological and spiritual affect. So, we can leave people who come in our midst better off than we find them. Our tone and intention can damage and can heal. Choose the tools by which you will affect the world. Have a blessed day full of life, health, and vitality.
Peace, Maat E.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Live like you want to be missed when you die. We all have the capacity to touch the lives of others. If today were our last day alive, would we be missed tomorrow? How would our family, friends and loves describe us. What would they have to say about who we are? Much of what will be said and if we will be remembered has to do with the way we relate. Are we loving, kind nasty or mean. How do you want to be remembered. Choose how they miss you. Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Be observant of your emotions before you decide to act. It takes a lot of practice but the more we take an observant stance the more we learn to control our thoughts and actions, while not letting emotions dictate our lives. For the next 24 hours watch yourself. Pay attention to what you feel in the moment. Practice choosing how you will act. You may be amazed at how much influence you have over your Self when you pay attention.
Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Being in the moment dosen't mean being happy all the time. As spiritual beings living human experiences we have feelings and emotions and it is a part of being human that we feel and heal. What happens sometimes is that instead of being present in the current moment we are emotionally or psychologically re-experiencing some moment of the past. Unresolved pains or losses resurface if not resolved. When this happens we are less able to return to being happy because we are unaware of living this moment based upon the past. As a result, we may be more angry, more sad, less patient, etc. When we stay aware of our spiritual consciousness we are happy and at peace more often because we are living in the present moment and not carrying issues on to the next moment. Thank God for finding moments of peace and happiness again.
Life, Health & Vitality! Maat E.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:
Sometimes it is difficult to live in the moment, but it can be even more difficult when we stay frustrated about the past or worried about the future. Life is sometimes shorter than we think. If this breath were your last how would it be said you lived it. Are you smiling, spreading love, grumpy, or acting mean? Are you depressed, anxious, confident, maybe fearless. In this moment choose how you want to be. In this moment I choose to say I love you. Peace, Maat E.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Keep it real! If that means something other than focusing on the spiritual reality of our existence, then keeping it real means missing our true reality. What's real is our divine essence, that is the beauty that exists in all of us and not the external and material things we often think define who we are. Being real means loving that inner beauty in everyone we meet. Distinguish what is real from what is not. Anything other than our divine essence is temporary and limited by who we appear to be.
Life, health & vitality. Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ma'at E's Mental Health Message:
If we could see with our hearts we would all have twenty-twenty vision. Relating to the world and the people in it from a loving perspective is the nature of our true reality. The source of it all is our spirit and life is all about love. Living from that place in the heart provides tremendous clarity in times of strife and the ability to restore ones's sense of peace. Express love to the people in your life everday. Remember, we are not promised to see another day.
Much peace, more love.
Maat E.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
"Distinguish what is real from unreal."
The essence of reality is spiritual and as this ancient principle implies our job is to discern the spiritual nature of all things. The ability to see from a spiritual verse material perspective is one we are born with, but over time it is often forgotten. Regaining a spiritual perspective of reality happens over time and with practice. First we must learn how to access our own spiritual essence and then practice experiencing it with others. The key is that everyone and every thing is spiritual manifesting materially. Our material existence helps us to grasp and manage the magnitude of our spiritual existence. Until we are ready or have appropriate support or guidance many of us will remain lost in an unreal material existence. Seek to know reality, your spirituality. Ask your sense of a higher power for more spiritual perspective and it will eventually come to you.

Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
We are better served trying to forgive ourselves than asking for forgiveness from someone else. It would be great to know that after we hurt someone or did something wrong we are forgiven. Forgiveness is a process not an event. It has to develop internally long before the words, "I forgive you," come out. Learning from our errors to avoid the same mistake or act is really where healing and behavior change take place. Start the healing process by forgiving yourself then changing the behavior. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Cleaning out the debris In a physical wound or the hurt from an emotional wound can be painful, but until we start that process the healing cannot begin. If you have ever done something wrong to another person or been the recipient of ill will then you know healing from it can be painful and take time. As much as we try to go around it there is no bypassing the pain. Moreover, if you are the one who has done wrong or caused pain the burden on you will be extra heavy. Fortunately, the burdens will lift if we ask for help and not carry the weight on our own.
Have a blessed day.
Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
If you messed, get up! Doing wrong when we know the difference from right happens. When we recognize we've done wrong, it is not the time to beat up on ourselves or anyone else for that matter. Keep that head up, brush the shoulder off, own the issue and let it go. This is easier said than done, but it is doable. Despite how much we judge ourselves, our Higher Power is still loving and forgiving us. If we need to go out and do something to right the wrong that is fine. More important than taking action is having understanding and feeling forgivenees for ourselves and others.
Peace, Maat E.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Face yourself if you disgrace your Self! We all do wrong at times. Making mistakes and sin are a part of our human nature and experience. Often a mistake is more like a choice. We did something we know just ain't right. It happens, often. With that being the case we could also say that we often have opportunities to accept that we've made a mistake/choice and then love and forgive ourselves. We have lots of chances to distinguish right from wrong and to move toward reconnecting with what is just and right for the greater good. We can always work on changing our actions and forgiving ourselves if we are not doing right. The Creator loves us anyway. Peace & God Bless. Maat E.
