Friday, October 30, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Even in a black forest there is light! Recently, I had the occassion to walk in a place called the Black Forest. It is named after the thickness of the trees which make it appear at times to be totally black. The black of the forest reminded me of when in our darkest moments it is virtually impossible to see the light. At these times having faith in anything may seem unimaginable. What I learned in the forest and experience in life is that there is always light. In the forest you just have to keep walking, look for a fire fly or wait until the sunrises. One way or another light will shine. As in the forest so it is in life. If we keep moving forward, have faith, or just wait till the sunrises, there will be light after our darkest day. Trust, there will be light.
Peace, Ma'at E.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Even if we are terrified, there is a divine lesson on the other side of the fear. Sometimes we are so afraid of the circumstances we encounter in life that we are immobilized and can not see or experience the lesson we are in. The fear grips us and it seems to never want to let go. Despite the intense fear we have, there is always, always, a divine lesson in the experience waiting to be revealed. If we allow ourselves to pass through the darkness and ask for the lesson, then we eventually will see the light. There is always light, even in a black forest.
Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message

Practice unwavering faith in God's order for your life? Most of us have a level of faith and belief in some form of creative life force or energy. That force, known by many names is formless and shapeless, yet it can take on any shape and any form. It manifests in all that we do and all that we are. That energy is the life force in us that inteacts with our thoughts, emotions and actions. It is the divine energy behind the order of our lives. Unfortunately, we some times forget that the forece is with us. Every step is supported by divine order. When we have faith in that order we are ok. When we remember to trust it, we are ok. Practice remembering the faith today. The Creator will have your back. Peace, Ma'at E.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Have faith in your Higher Power to teach you the truth! This ancient principle attempts to help us understand that if we have been blessed with realizing a connection to a Power greater than ourselves we need trust that it will present, guide, and support us with all the opportunities for life's lessons that we need. Every situation we encounter is an opportunity to learn something that we need to know or have not learned yet. For example, many of us have struggles in relationships. Over and over again we seem to encounter the same difficulties with different people. The Creator wants us to ultimately love and come closer to it's power and energy. That is the truth. Our difficulities push us closer and closer to our Spirit if we have faith that it is helping us no matter what life looks like. Trust that what you are going though will get you to the truth. Peace Maat E.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Go for it!!!!! Follow your dreams. If we are clear on our purpose then there is no reason not to pursue it. Yes there are probably a ton of fears and excuses we could come up with to keep us away from our divine path, but why let those things stand in the way. Live, live to the fullest. Start small if you need to. Test it out first if you must, before going full speed ahead. Just do not stop. If you are still unclear then keep praying for clarity. The world, our communities, our families, and friends are waiting. Go for it! Peace, Maat E.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
A well spring of joy flows from deep inside when we live in accord with our purpose. We smile from inside instead of just on face. Some of us have no idea what that good feeling is but when it comes you know and will want to stay in the glow that it brings. Look for joy and the purpose will follow. Have a blessed day. Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Stay determined to figure out or continue doing what is right for you. We all get confused sometimes about staying commited to our purpose. We feel discouraged when other people don't like or support our ideas. Most successful people enounter tons of opposition before reaching their goal or living life on purpose. Haters will be abundant, yet they really do not matter once you are living on purpose. When the Divine order of your plan is in action nothing can destroy it. The obstacles and hurdles will present themselves, but they are meant to be jumped over and can make you even more dertermined with the right frame of mind. Stay determined, recommit and devote to your pourpose. Have a blessed day. Peace Maat E.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Devote to your purpose! We are all born with particular blessings and talents. In traditional cultures these gifts were intuitively revealed to ones parents or family at the time of a child's birth, the naming ceremony or soon after in life activities. Many times one's name itself would explain the blessing. Naming ceremonies and seeking Divine guidance about who we are and what we are here to do are not practiced as much in modern day. If our personal talents are not nurtured or recognized early many of us have little sense of our purpose or the life work we are best suited for. Thankfully, it is NEVER too late to discover and devote to one's purpose. Just as with everything else in life, love is a key component of our purpose. The activities that we love and enjoy provide clues to our purpose. We should not get hung up on if our purpose right or wrong, if we missed some calling or what other people think. If you do not know what purpose you have, start with devoting to do more of the things you love. Eventually, the purpose will follow. Have a blessed day. Peace Maat E.
Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Devote to your purpose! We are all born with particular blessings and talents. In traditional cultures these gifts were intuitively revealed to ones parents or family at the time of a child's birth, the naming ceremony or soon after in life activities. Many times one's name itself would explain the blessing. Naming ceremonies and seeking Divine guidance about who we are and what we are here to do are not practiced as much in modern day. If our personal talents are not nurtured or recognized early many of us have little sense of our purpose or the life work we are best suited for. Thankfully, it is NEVER too late to discover and devote to one's purpose. Just as with everything else in life, love is a key component of our purpose. The activities that we love and enjoy provide clues to our purpose. We should not get hung up on if our purpose right or wrong, if we missed some calling or what other people think. If you do not know what purpose you have, start with devoting to do more of the things you love. Eventually, the purpose will follow. Have a blessed day. Peace Maat E.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
When we fail to act or can't control our actions it is important to be forgiving and simply try again. The powers of the Creator and in the universe are very forgiving and resilient. If a flower is stepped on a new one grows. If an ant hole gets knocked down a new one is built. If high tide washes away the sand eventually it is replaced. We have the capacity to forgive ourselves and to be compassionate when we mess-up or don't act right. More important than forgiveness from other people is our ability to show compassion for ourselves when we make poor choices or act out of character. Find love and understanding within first. Let some of it rub off on others and they to may learn to act with forgiveness. We have the power to control our own actions and to influence others more than we know.
Have a blessed day. Much peace and more love.
Maat E.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Speak from the heart and be present! When we get in to discussions or conflicts, criticisms about the other person and issues of the past can be quick to come out. We may start telling a story or giving a lecture about what the person has or has not done. Less often do we speak from the heart about how we FEEL in the MOMENT. "I'm angry, hurt, sad, scared...etc." Most times we don't speak our truth and we simply act defensive. Instead of defending the past be present and use the Spirit within for courage to say what we feel. During the next conflict get in touch with your Spirit and speak from the heart. The conversation will stay in the moment and you will feel present. Peace, Maat E.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Remember you are divine and divine actions will follow! Often we forget how beautiful and loving the core of our nature is. Beneath the emotional stress, trauma, and abuse we have endured over the years is a loving and divine being. When our memory is flooded with dysfunction we act that way because that is what we know. The chaotic behavior is familiar and comfortable, even if it is destructive. Loving behaviors ultimately feel better, but if we've been away from them for a long time they are harder to access. Remember there is a loving being inside of you. Surround yourself with loving people and experiences to help trigger the loving person in you. Then, act with love and shine in all your divine nature.

Have a loving day. Peace Maat E.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Wait a minute, literally! Before you act wait 60 seconds. There is an old saying that good things come to those who wait. Good things come in all forms and fashions too. Your good thing could be one less argument because you waited a moment to respond to an unwanted comment. The good thing could be a kind gesture because you waited patiently for the person in front of you to move out of your way. The good thing could be your life because you waited and let your road rage pass and did not get out of the car to argue with the gun carrying driver that cut you off. When we take a minute to wait before responding to the external influences in our lives, we are controlling our actions and potentially our outcomes. Experiment with waiting a minute today. Practice acting in ways that are going to reinforce the outcomes you want. The practice will make waiting a minute and getting your desired outcomes a regular practice.
Have a blessed day. Much peace, more love. Maat E.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Control your actions! It can be very easy to let other people and the circumstances around us influence our behaviors. We may want to place responsibility on someone else (e.g., blame others), yet ultimately as adults, we are fully responsible for our own actions. People or bad situations may set off FEELING unhappy, angry, frustrated or confused. These emotions can be triggered. However, that does not mean that we have to follow our emotions with actions that are mean, aggressive, destructive or violent. Some times we act out of control. The emotion centers in the brain trigger adrenaline and we are responding in harsh ways before we know it. PAUSE before acting on intense emotions. Get in a habit of taking a deep breath or counting to 10 before you do something. In that breath or seconds ask your Higher Power for help. Ask for control over what happens next. Repeating this small skill will begin to help control one's actions before they are out of control. Just keep up the practice. Control your actions for a day of much peace and more love. Peace, Maat E.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Think creatively and approach something in a new way today. When we get tired of the some old, same old situations, it is time to switch things up. We are all endowed with creative thinking and have the capacity to not only think outside of the box (as the saying goes) but to live as if there isn't one. The truth is that all the resources in the universe are available to us. Many times we create our own limitations or give up on facing the ones before us. Think beyond what you see and hear. Listen for the Divine voice within. Develop the discipline to be aware of thoughts as they come. When the thinking is limiting just notice it. Building awareness will gradually, prompt a desire to change the thinking. Have a joyful and creative day. Peace Maat

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Thinking about what we lack is a form of self-attack. It is just as destructive to beat up on ourselves with negative self talk as it is to take the abuse from someone else. We are all worthy of love and respect, especially from ourselves. We are imperfect (by nature) reflections of the Divine. Entertaining self-doubt, lack of confidence, and critical judgments about who we are, what we are wearing, how we talk and so on, just is not necessary. Whatever creative force we believe in is still working with us on our so called imperfections and will continue to do so. Let's practice soothing ourselves and asking for help instead of making judgments and attacks when we feel a low sense of self or lack of confidence. Think about love for yourself today. Peace, Maat.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message: When we get our thoughts in order other things will follow. The relationships, the family, the house, the career, and the community will eventually come in to order. The situations in our lives will workout or resolve in someway if we focus on clarifying our thoughts. Everything is already in Divine order, but if our thinking is in chaos we will have so much difficulty trying to process what we need to do. Spend time clearing the mind. Breathe, pray, meditate, play music...get good things going on that will cleanse out the chaos and make room for divinely ordered thinking. It is not about right or wrong, but about clarity or confusion. Start everyday clearing our thoughts to get the mind in order.
Much peace and more love. Maat E.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Our thoughts can become our reality. If we focus on something long enough it is bound to manifest in some form or fashion...the good and the bad. Evidence to support our worst fears will manifest, in part because we are giving the thought of our fear so much power. Likewise, our everday desires can be reality if that is where we focus our energy. Since perception is said to be 99% of reality, whatever we think has a strong chance of being true for the person that thinks it. Try spending time and energy thinking about the outcome you WANT not what you don't want or fear. We all have a divine right to our hearts desire when we are clear about what it is. Ask yourself the question, "Is this way of thinking moving me toward what I really want?" "How does it serve me to think this way." If you don't know the answer KEEP ASKING until it is revealed. Then stay with that thought and watch your perception become reality.
Think today will be a blessed day. Much peace, more love. Maat E.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:

Fill your mind with the Divine. The more we spend thinking about the loving and Divine essence of who we are the less we will spend on all the things that we are not. Thinking over and over about what coulda, shoulda, or woulda been the case if we were someone or had something to offer other than who we are is not fruitful. Find a word, a phrase, a song or any up lifting thought that you can sing, say or recite to youself to help rid the mind of mental negativity or clutter. Keep the mind focused on the Divine. Have a blessed day. Peace Maat .

Friday, October 2, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Figure out what feels good, real good! Oh it is so wonderful when we experience things that feel good and are good for us. If we are unsure or can not remember the last time we did something so good, then now is the time to try a new experience. If it serves our spiritual, mental, or physical well-being than all the better. It can be scary to be in a state of joy and ecstasy because it is unfamiliar. However, it is surely no worse than living in an emotionally unhappy place. Go for feeling good today. Peace & Love, Ma'at.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Maat E's Mental Health Message:
Put your Higher Self care first! If you have not already or do not have a plan for how you are going to take care of yourself and well-being today, STOP. Momentarily put whatever you are doing aside and pick one act of Self care. For example, eat something, pray, or take a walk. You know that everything can wait a minute. Just stop, give some attention to the Divine Spirit that you are. The Spirit needs nurturing and to be cared for including the soul, mind and physical body. Knowing and caring for the Self is the highest form of love because what happens within us affects the people and things around us. Have a blessed day of life, health, and vitality. Peace Maat E.
